1000 with 3 sig figs

    • [DOC File]Significant Figures Practice


      Measurement Number of Sig Figs Rounded to 2 Sig Figs 7.25 cm 3 7.3 0.00301 ml 3 0.0030 19.0 ml 3 19 1.72 x 108 N 3 1.7 x 108 1000 g 1 1.0 x 103 1.0 x 103 g 2 1.0 x 103 17 cm 2 17 85.5 km/h 3 86 1050.0 s 5 1.1 x 103 1.0003 L 5 1.0 23.01 mg 4 23 14.000 g 6 14 0.2350 m 4 0.24 12 L 2 12 0.001050 g 4 0.0011 or 1.1 x 10-3

    • [DOC File]Practice Problems for Test I for PHY2020


      3 sig figs on all answers unless otherwise asked, -1/4 point for not enough sig figs – I have given the units for each answer line. g=9.8 m/s2 100 cm=1 m 39.37 inches=1 m 1 km=1000 m. 12 inches=1 foot 3 feet=1 yard 5280 feet=1 mile = 1.61 km 1 kg = 1000 g. 1 min=60 s 1 hour = 60 min G=6.7 10-11 Nm2/kg2

    • [DOC File]Science Help Online Worksheet 2-3a Number of Significant ...


      Notice the number of sig figs is equal to the number of digits in front of the X sign problem Sig figs Sig figs 1. 1 x 104 = 9. 24327 = 2. 1000 = 10. 7354 = 3. 101 = 11. 48200= 4. 0.01 = 12. 0.48200 = 5. 1/10 = 0.1 = 13. 89 = 8.9 x 101 (not usually done) 6. 1/1000 = 0.001 = 14. 0.32 = 3.2 x 10

    • [DOC File]Significant Figures Worksheet


      3) 801.5 8) 0.0102. 4) 1,000 9) 9.010 x 10-6. 5) 101.0100 10) 2,370.0. Round these numbers to 3 significant digits. 1,566,311 2.7651 X 10 -3 84,592 0.0011672 0.07799 Perform the following calculations. Report your answer to the correct number of significant figures. 16) 144.3854 + 8.04 – 165.32 + 30.0 = ...

    • [DOC File]Rules for Using Significant Figures in Mathematical Operations


      1000 x 3.000 (5.20 x 0.67) / 4.100. 110 + 63. 92 + 75. 1.45 – 0.566. 3000 – 800. Measure the following rectangle with a ruler, record the length and width in cm, and determine the number of sig figs. Then, calculate the area rounding the answer to the correct number of sig figs. Length: _____ # of sig figs: _____

    • [DOC File]Unit 3 review: Scientific measurement


      ounting sig figs Every nonzero digit is significant (24.3 has three sig figs, 714 and .714 both have 3 sig figs) Zeros BETWEEN nonzero numbers are significant (7003 has 4 sig figs) Zeros to the left of nonzero digits are NOT significant, they are place holders (0.007 has one sig fig, 0.000 009 824 has four sig figs)

    • [DOC File]Significant Figures Calculations, Version 1


      3 1.230 x 103 x 0.0006 0.7 0.738. 1. 4 (15 x 3.200 x 10-6) / 3 2 x 10-5 1.6 e-5. 1. 4. Perform the calculations on your own (place answers in the calculator answer column for Group 3) and compare your answers to the correct ones. List the #SF in the answer in the last column of the table. Discuss the differences if any and write those down.

    • [DOC File]Unit 1 Metric system, significant figures, factor label ...


      Math with Sig Figs. When . multiplying,your answer can only have the same number of . Sig figs as the least significant factor multiplied. 2.46 x 3.8 = 9.348 which becomes 9.3 . 2.46 is 3 SIG figs and 3.8 is only 2 sig figs, so you round the answer to . two sig figs, which is 9.3. The calculator implies that you measured . better than you ...

    • [DOC File]Significant Figures Review


      perform calculations to the maximum number of sig figs allowed by your calculator. Since the number with the least number of decimal places is the least precise, we would expect to round to this spot.



      Example: 100 x 1000.23 = 100023 . In this case, according to the significant figure rules for zeros, in the 100 there is only 1 significant figure. Therefore, your final answer must have only one digit in it: Rounding 100023 = 1, but there is no sensible way that 100023 equals 1. What, then, do you do?

    • [DOC File]AP Chemistry Summer Assignment - Weebly


      1000 (2 sig figs) 43,927 (3 sig figs) 2. Make the following conversions: 2.77 kg to mg . 3. 28.5 grams of iron shot is added to a graduated cylinder containing 45.5 mL of water. The water level rises to the 49.1 mL mark. From this information, calculate the density of iron. 4.

    • [DOCX File]Summer Study Assignment – AP Chemistry


      1000 (2 sig figs) 43,927 (3 sig figs) 0.000286 (3 sig figs) 43. Make the following conversions: 2.77 kg to mg. 2.90 cm to millimeters. 45.6 liters to kiloliters. 1.08 kg to cg. 44. Calculate the number of cubic centimeters (cm. 3) in 16 cubic meters (m. 3). 45) 28.5 grams of iron shot is added to a graduated cylinder containing 45.5 mL of water ...

    • [DOC File]Rules For Significant Figures


      (3 sig figs) (4 sig figs) = (3 sig. figs) (smallest) Adding and subtracting: Add or subtract the numbers. The final answer can contain only as many decimal places as found in the measurement with the . fewest number. of decimal places.

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