1st grade ela common core standards

    • [DOC File]ELA Pacing Guide - SVSU


      Make progress in automatically recognizing the 220 Dolch basic sight words and 95 common nouns for mastery in third grade. R.WS.01.07 . Use strategies to identify unknown words and construct meaning by using initial letters/sounds (phonics), patterns of language (syntactic), picture clues (semantic), and applying context clues to select between alternative meanings. R.WS.01.08 . Use syntactic ...

      first grade ela common core

    • [DOCX File]First Grade Reading I Can Statements


      First Grade Reading I Can Statements. Common Core Standards . Literature. 1.RL.1- A. 1.RL.1- B. I can answer questions about key (important) details in a text. I can ask questions about key (important) details in a text. 1.RL.2- A. 1.RL.2.- B. I can retell a text using the key (important) details in the text. I can explain the lesson/moral of a text. 1.RL.3- A. 1.RL.3- B. 1.RL.3- C. I can ...

      kindergarten common core standards printable

    • [DOC File]Language Arts Curriculum Map Grade 1


      To successfully complete first grade the learner will. Core Standard 1: Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development . Read aloud smoothly and easily in familiar text. Build a reading vocabulary of common sight words. Use increasing semantic, phonetic, and structural skills to become an effective reader. Have command of phonemic awareness skills: identify, manipulate, blend, and ...

      first grade ela standards

    • [DOCX File]First Grade Visual Arts Curriculum


      Visual Arts First Grade Standards. RT=Reporting Topic; PS=Performance Standard; Red Text=ELA Common Core standard Number. Standard 1: History and Culture. Overview: Students in grades K-3 discuss key differences and similarities in artworks. Students identify the purpose or function of an artwork and explain how it is a record of human ideas and a reflection of its culture. T1. T2. T3. The ...

      ccss reading grade 1

    • [DOCX File]1st Grade Implementing the English Language Arts Common ...


      English Language Arts/Literacy1st GradeImplementing the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards. A Teacher’s Guide to the Common Core Standards: An Illinois Content Model FrameworkA . The Letter and Spirit of 1st Grade….. Reading. Read grade-appropriate complex . poetry, literature, and informational text (RL/RI. 1.10) so. that . students can ask and answer questions . about key ...

      first grade common core standards printable

    • [DOC File]CCSS for ELA - Content Standards (CA Dept of Education)


      The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (hereafter referred to as “the Standards”) are the culmination of an extended, broad-based effort to fulfill the charge issued by the states to create the next generation of standards in kindergarten to grade 12 to help ensure that all students are literate and ...

      ccss first grade

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