2021 economic forecast canada

    • [PDF File]2021 Economic Forecast Uncertainty Amplified by Global ...


      February 23, 2021 1 2021 Economic Forecast Uncertainty Amplified by Global Pandemic The global economic outlook for 2021 is highly uncertain. There are several sources for this uncertainty, but chief among them is the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic and progress on vaccine rollouts across countries.

    • [PDF File]Canadian economic and financial forecast


      Provincial forecast table Base case T A B L E 3 : P R O VIN C IA L G D P F OR E C A S T 2019E 2020 2021 Canada 1.6 -10.8 9.3 British Columbia 1.7 -9.3 10.1 Alberta 0.4 -14.1 8.3 Saskatchewan 0.6 -12.3 9.6 Manitoba 1.2 -11.1 10.0 Ontario 1.6 -10.1 9.3 Quebec 2.8 -10.3 9.1

    • Economic Research Service | Situation and Outlook Report

      Wheat Outlook, WHS-21h, August 16, 2021 USDA, Economic Research Service International Outlook Russian and Canadian Wheat Drives Down World Production Global wheat production in 2021/22 is projected at 776.9 million metric tons (MT), down 15.5 million this month. Russia and Canada lead the way with a combined downward revision of 20.0 million MT.

    • [PDF File]Canadian Economic Outlook for July 16, 2021


      Canadian Economic Outlook | Our key forecasts for the Canadian economy July 16, 2021. Canadian Economic Outlook for July 16, 2021 . A Publication of BMO Capital Markets Economic Research • Douglas Porter, CFA, Chief Economist, BMO Financial Group . 2020 2021 2022

    • [PDF File]Spring 2021 Calgary and Region Economic Outlook 2021-2026


      Our forecast is therefore built on the economic and market conditions outside the CER over the forecast period. The . critical external forces are as follows: 1. World economic expansion or contraction through-out the forecast period, and 2. Change of economic growth and job creation in the rest of Canada over the forecast period. 0 20 40 60 80 ...

    • [PDF File]An Overview of the Economic Outlook: 2021 to 2031


      CBO is using this economic forecast as the basis for updating its budget projections for 2021 to 2031. The agency plans to release those budget projections later in February and a more detailed report about this forecast later this winter. The forecast incorporates economic and other information available as of January 12, 2021, as well as ...

    • [PDF File]Yield spreads - RBC


      The material contained in this report is the property of Royal Bank of Canada and may not be reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, without express authorization of ... ©Royal Bank of Canada. November 2021 Interest rates (%, end of quarter, ) Exchange rates (end of quarter) Forecast Forecast 20Q1 20Q2 20Q3 20Q4 21Q1 21Q2 21Q3 21Q4 22Q1 ...

    • [PDF File]There’s light at the end of the tunnel - Economic outlook


      government spending in the second half of 2021. We expect less generous spending by provincial governments, which were in a worse fiscal position heading into the crisis. Overall, our forecast calls for the COVID-19 economic recovery to mirror the one seen after the 2008-09 recession, minus the resurgence in energy investment we saw a decade ago.

    • [PDF File]Strong Market Activity to Continue in 2022: BCREA 2021 ...


      level in 2021, but 2022 should still see above average sales as the economic recovery rolls on and mortgage rates remain low. We expect fixed mortgage rates to gradually rise back to the pre-pandemic level of about 3 per cent by around 2023 while variable rates will follow the Bank of Canada’s timetable. That timetable may

    • [PDF File]Alberta Economic Outlook March 18, 2021


      Alberta Economic Outlook March 18, 2021 ... The forecast assumes that the pandemic will be largely quelled in Canada by the fall and that a staged reopening of ... Statistics Canada, capital spending in the oil and gas extraction sector in 2021 is expected to be 3.0% ($0.5 billion) ...

    • [PDF File]Quarterly Economic Forecast


      This quarter’s economic forecast update reflects a downgrade. The Delta variant’s impact on international supply chains and domestic spending behaviors has slowed the recovery in the near-term and shifted the growth profile into 2022 as the virus ebbs and supply constraints diminish. The economic recovery should proceed uninterrupted.

    • [PDF File]Vanguard economic and market outlook for 2021: Approaching ...


      For 2021, our outlook for the global economy hinges critically on health outcomes. Specifically, our baseline forecast assumes that an effective combination of vaccine and therapeutic treatments should ultimately emerge to gradually allow an easing of government restrictions on social interaction and a lessening of consumers’ economic hesitancy.

    • [PDF File]Canadian Economic Outlook for Apr. 23, 2021


      Canadian Economic Outlook | Our key forecasts for the Canadian economy April 23, 2021. Canadian Economic Outlook for Apr. 23, 2021 . A Publication of BMO Capital Markets Economic Research • Douglas Porter, CFA, Chief Economist, BMO Financial Group . 2020 2021 2022

    • [PDF File]Monthly Economic Monitor - NBC


      Monthly Economic Monitor November 2021 Summary By Matthieu Arseneau and Jocelyn Paquet The picture in the Eurozone hasn’t change much in recent weeks. We continue to expect that the marked rise of energy prices will reduce consumer purchasing power during the winter and drive up producer input costs. To these risks we must now add those

    • [PDF File]Special Report on Salary Forecasts 2021 - CPQ


      There are no significant differences in forecast salary increases based on operating region or revenues in Canada. The forecast average salary increases in Canada by industry sector are as follows: PROJECTED AVERAGE INCREASES IN 2021 SALARY STRUCTURE BASE SALARIES INCL.FREEZES EXCL.FREEZES INCL. FREEZES EXCL.FREEZES General Forecasts 1.5 2.1 1 ...

    • [PDF File]Revisiting Tourism: Canada’s Visitor Economy One Year into ...


      Forecasting is based on reasonable estimations at present, given the current state of COVID-19 in Canada and worldwide, and projected lifting of travel restrictions within Canada in Q3 2021 (including re-opening borders to all key international markets). Source: Destination Canada Research 2025: Projected recovery to 2019 revenue levels

    • [PDF File]Machinery & equipment Intellectual property Business and ...


      ECONOMIC FORECAST DETAIL — CANADA The material contained in this report is the property of Royal Bank of Canada and may not be reproduced in any way, in whole or in part, without express authorization of the copyright holder in writing. The statements and statistics contained herein have been prepared by RBC Economics Research based on ...

    • [PDF File]Provincial Economic Forecast


      Alberta Economic Forecasts Source: Statistics Canada, CMHC, CREA, Forecast by TD Economics #Internal 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 ... downgrade its forecast for 2021 and 2022 by more than Canada’s. Like its neighbor to the west, Saskatchewan’s outlook has recently taken a turn for the worse. Daily

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