Act graphing calculator

    • [DOCX File]Fort Thomas Independent Schools

      While everything on the ACT can be done without the use of a graphing calculator (and many times it is much easier to solve the problems without a calculator), it has been my experience that effectively using the graphing calculator (specifically, the TI-83/84) can save you much time and ensure correct solutions on this test. Some information about the ACT calculator policy. Permitted ...

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    • [DOC File]Computer Mathematics and the Graphing Calculator

      The graphing calculator measures its random access memory and storage capacity in bytes or kilobytes rather than megabytes or gigabytes. There are limitations to the size of the programs that can be written and the number of programs that can be stored on a calculator as compared to a computer. Printed displays may be limited to 16 characters at a time using a graphing calculator compared to ...

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    • [DOC File]ACTIVITY FOR COURSE SOFTWARE - Kent State University

      5. On your graphing calculator, in the Y= menu, type in Y2 = 4x. Go to the table as. before and compare the values in Y1 and Y2. 6. Find a value for a that will result in a steeper graph. Write your function . here: . 7. Play around with the a slider and make a note of how the changes in a affect the . graph. What happens when the value of a is ...

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    • [DOC File]Name

      Graphing Polynomial Functions. Materials: Graphing Calculator, Worksheet. Directions: Draw each of the following graphs in the space provided and answer the observation questions that follow. A. View the graph of in a Zoom 4 window. Sketch: Observations: 1. What is the degree of the polynomial? _____ 2. As _____. (This means as the graph goes to the left, does it go up or down? 3. As ...

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    • Are All Equations Created Equal

      Using your TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus Graphing Calculator: Problem 1: Use mathematical properties to determine which equations are equivalent: y1 = -3 (x+2) +9 y2 = -4 + 2 + 3x y3 = -x + -3 + -2x + 6. Which equations are equivalent? _y1 and y2 are equivalent both are y = -3x + 3_____ Use your TI-84 Plus to graph these equations into y1, y2, and y3, respectively. Draw a screen shot of your graph ...

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    • [DOCX File]Calculators

      Additionally, most standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, require the use of a graphing calculator on mathematics sections. The Advanced Placement Exams in Calculus require the use of graphing calculators. The state of Alabama has now replaced the graduation exam with end-of-course tests. These tests, called the Quality Core Assessments, are written by the same company that produces the ...

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