Adv cancer res

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      Cancer Res Treat 2017;49:1022-1032. Pietrasz D, Pecuchet N, Garlan F, et al. Plasma Circulating Tumor DNA in Pancreatic Cancer Patients Is a Prognostic Marker. Clin Cancer Res 2017;23:116-123.

      adv cancer res impact factor

    • David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA

      advances in cancer research, vol 79 . adv cancer res . advances in carbohydrate chemistry . adv carbohyd chem . advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry . adv carbohyd chem bi . advances in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry, vol 50 . adv carbohyd chem bi .

      advances in cancer research journal

    • [DOC File]2003 Society of Toxicology

      74. Lamon EW, Gatti RA, Kiessling R, Fenyo EM: Comparison of the allospecific and viral-specific immune responses to irradiated versus formaldehyde-fixed allogenic Moloney lymphoma cells in CBA mice. Cancer Res 35:962-969, 1975. 75. Svedmyr EAJ, Leibold W, Gatti RA: Possible use of established cell lines for MLR locus typing.

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    • [DOCX File]Home | Clinical Cancer Research

      CLU: Djeu JY, Wei S. Clusterin and chemoresistance. Adv Cancer Res 2009; 105: 77-92. BCHE (butyrylcholinesterase): Song P, Sekhon HS, Fu XW, Maier M, Jia Y, Duan J, Proskosil BJ, Gravett C, Lindstrom J, Mark GP, Saha S, Spindel ER. Activated cholinergic signaling provides a target in squamous cell lung carcinoma. Cancer Res 2008; 68: 4693-4700. 2

      recent advancements in cancer research

    • [DOC File]Stromal Cells Derived from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer and ...

      Adv Cancer Res 51:1-106. 10. Dich, J and Wiklund, K. (1998). Prostate cancer in pesticide applicators in Swedish agriculture. Prostate 34, 100-112. 11. Henderson, BE, Ross, R, and Bernstein, L. (1988). Estrogens as a cause of human cancer: the Richard and Hinda Rosenthal Foundation award lecture. Cancer Research 48, 246-53.

      advances in breast cancer research

    • [DOC File]2005-04-25

      (1998). Differentiation and cancer in the mammary gland: shedding light on an old dichotomy. Adv Cancer Res. 1998; 75:135–61. Review. Hirai Y, Lochter A, Galosy S, Koshida S, Niwa S and Bissell MJ (1998). Epimorphin functions as a key morphoregulator for mammary epithelial cells. J Cell Biol. 1998 Jan 12; 140(1):159–69. **

      advancements in cancer treatment

    • [DOC File]Brief CV/NIH Biosketch-1

      18.1 Introduction. Review. Alon, U., 2007. An Introduction to Systems Biology. Design Principles of Biological Networks. Chapman and Hall. Sauro, H. M., and ...

      new advances in cancer treatment

    • [DOC File]Journal Title Abbreviations in SCI

      Semaphorin 4D (Sema4D) is an important member of the semaphorin subfamily and plays a major role in the nervous and immune systems. Sema4D is expressed at high levels in various tumor tissues, including head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, prostate cancer, and colon cancer, and its role in promoting tumor angiogenesis is becoming a hot research topic[9-12].

      advances in cancer research

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