American economic journal economic policy

    • [PDF File]Fiscal Policy: Economic Effects - FAS

      7 Alan J. Auerbach and Yuriy Gorodnichenko, “Measuring the Output Responses to Fiscal Policy,” American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol. 4, no. 2 (May 2012). Fiscal Policy: Economic Effects Congressional Research Service 3 by banks. Decreasing interest rates reduces the cost to businesses and individuals of borrowing

    • Econometric DATA SCIENCE - MIT Economics

      Industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania,” American Economic Review 90 (1994), 1397-420. C. Carpenter and C. Dobkin, “The Minimum Legal Drinking Age and Public Health,” The Journal of Economic Perspectives 25 (2011), 133-156.

    • [PDF File]American Economic Journal: Economic Policy National Tax ...

      Snapping Back: Food Stamp Bans and Criminal Recidivism, 2019, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 11(2), 301-327. (PDF) Rules Versus Home Rule—Local Government Responses to Negative Revenue Shocks, 2019, National Tax Journal, 72(3), 543-574, with D. Shoag and S. Veuger. (PDF)

    • Street Prostitution Zones and Crime

      30 AmEricAN EcONOmic JOurNAL: EcONOmic POLicy NOVEmBEr 2017 using licenses. They argue that legalization without licensing can produce unin-tended increases in trafficked prostitution. A unique feature of our analysis is that we can study both systems. Some tippelzones allowed free entry while others enforced

    • Pitfalls of Participatory Programs: Evidence from a ...

      2 AMERICAn EConoMIC JouRnAL: EConoMIC PoLICy FEBRuARy 2010 children aged 6–14 years old are enrolled in school, many do not learn much. By grade 5 in rural India, only 56 percent of children can read a simple story (grade 2 level), and 19 percent cannot read beyond a word (Pratham Organization 2009).

    • [PDF File]A’s from Zzzz’s? The Causal Effect of School Start Time on ...

      64 AmERiCAN ECoNomiC JoURNAL: ECoNomiC PoLiCy AUgUST 2011 effect is not solely driven by worse performance in the first period class. Hence, our results show that student achievement suffers from earlier start times in not only courses taken during the early morning hours, but also throughout the entire day.

    • [PDF File]The Economics of Productivity - Harvard University

      American Economic Review, 91 (1), Fall, 1–32 113 4. Martin Neil Baily (2002), ‘Distinguished Lecture on Economics in Government: The New Economy: Post Mortem or Second Wind’, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16 (2), Spring, 3–22 145 5. Nicholas Oulton (2002), ‘ICT and Productivity Growth in the United Kingdom’,

    • [PDF File]Department of Economics University of Texas at Austin

      Giacomo De Giorgi, American Economic Review, 99(1): 486-508, March 2009. “Village Economies and the Structure of Extended Family Networks,” with Giacomo De Giorgi, Marcos Rangel, and Imran Rasul, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, (9)1, Article 44, 2009.

    • [PDF File]MARTHA J. BAILEY - UCLA Economics

      American Economic Journal-Policy. • Featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, and by the Washington Center of Equitable Growth blog among other outlets “Prep School for Poor Kids: The Long-Run Impact of Head Start on Heath, Human Capital and Productivity”

    • [PDF File]The Effect of Fast Food Restaurants on

      34 AmEriCAN ECoNomiC JourNAL: ECoNomiC PoLiCy AuguST 2010 over 20 kilos. The effect increases monotonically and is larger at 0.25, and larger still at 0.1 miles. The increase in weight gain implies an increased caloric intake of one to four calories per day in the pregnancy period. The effect varies across races and educational levels.

    • Carbon Taxes and CO2 Emissions: Sweden as a Case Study

      4 AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: ECONOMIC POLICY NOVEMBER 2019 true causal effect of carbon taxes on CO 2 emissions. Furthermore, by focusing on changes in demand for only gasoline, these earlier studies don’t account for substi-tution between fuels, most notably from gasoline to diesel,4 as well as substitution between modes of transport.

    • [PDF File]American Economic Association

      American Economic Association The Economic Effects of Climate Change Author(s): Richard S. J. Tol Reviewed work(s): Source: The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 23, No. 2 (Spring, 2009), pp. 29-51

    • Projections and Uncertainties About Climate Change in an ...

      334 AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: ECONOMIC POLICY AUGUST 2018 loosely related to actual policies, output, and emissions paths. It would be difficult, reading the most recent IPCC reports, to determine the likely outcome for future climate change and damages in an unregulated policy space.

    • [PDF File]An Economic Analysis of Infrastructure Investment

      4 Congressional Budget Office, “Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employment in the Short Term,” January 2010. 5 Munnell, Alicia H, 1992. "Infrastructure Investment and Economic Growth," Journal of Economic Perspectives, American Economic Association, vol. 6(4), pages 189-98, Fall.

    • Fiscal Policy: Economic Effects

      Fiscal Policy: Economic Effects Congressional Research Service 1 he federal government has two major tools for affecting the macroeconomy: fiscal policy and monetary policy. These policy interventions are generally used to either increase or decrease economic activity to counter the business cycle’s impact on unemployment, income, and inflation.

    • [PDF File]Fiscal Spending Jobs Multipliers: Evidence from the 2009 ...

      254 AmERICAN ECoNomIC JouRNAL: ECoNomIC PoLICY AugusT 2012 Since the ARRA’s passage, a number of studies have sought to measure its eco-nomic effects. The methodologies used in these studies can be divided into two broad categories. The first methodology employs a large-scale macroeconometric model


      and R. Pande), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 8(2), May 2016, pp. 125-153 “The Roots of Gender Inequality in Developing Countries,” Annual Review of Economics, vol. 7, 2015, pp. 63-88 “Governance Challenges in Education and Health Care in Developing Countries,” in S. Asefa and W.-

    • [PDF File]Geographic Cross-Sectional Fiscal Spending Multipliers ...

      4 AMERICAN ECONOMIC JOURNAL: ECONOMIC POLICY MAY 2019 where Y s is an outcome such as output or employment in geographic area s, D t, t+his a difference operator defined as D t, t+hY s = Y s, t+h − Y s, t, α h, t is a time fixed effect, F s, t is a vector of components of fiscal policy such as government spending and taxes, and X s, 2

    • [PDF File]Biological Gender Differences, Absenteeism, and the ...

      186 AmErICAn EConomIC JoUrnAL: AppLIEd EConomICs JAnUArY 2009 lower bounds of the effect of menstrual episodes, since according to our model, the decline in worker quality associated with increases in absenteeism should be more pronounced for men than for women. Our findings may have policy implications that benefit women. Forcing employ-

    • [PDF File]The Economic and Policy Consequences of Catastrophes

      308 AmEriCAN ECoNomiC JourNAL: ECoNomiC PoLiCy NoVEmBEr 2013 In Section I we lay out a parsimonious model with an AK production technology, adjustment costs (which we show are crucial), and shocks that arrive unpredictably. Each shock destroys a random fraction of the capital stock. We treat as catastrophic

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