Apply function to dataframe r

    • [PDF File]Data Frames Steven Buechler - University of Notre Dame

      For X a matrix and r a number X+r and X*r are the results of adding, resp. multiplying r entrywise to X. What if r is a vector? Experiment and nd out. If X is n m and Y is m p, X % *% Y is the matrix product. t(X) is thetransposeof X; i.e., the matrix obtained from X by switching rows and columns. diag(X) is the vector of elements on the main ...

    • [PDF File]Package ‘dat’ -

      f (function|formula| character | logical | numeric) something which can be inter-preted as a function. formula objects are coerced to a function. atomics are used for subsetting in each element of x. See the examples.... further arguments passed to the apply function. p (function | formula) a predicate function indicating which columns in a ...

    • [PDF File]R Reference Card

      R Reference Card by Tom Short, EPRI PEAC, 2004-11-07 Granted to the public domain. See for the source and latest ... == a (the argument of this function must be a variable of mode logi-cal) choose(n, k)computes the combinations of k events among n repetitions

    • [PDF File]dat: Tools for Data Manipulation -

      f (function|formula| character | logical | numeric) something which can be inter-preted as a function. formula objects are coerced to a function. atomics are used for subsetting in each element of x. See the examples.... further arguments passed to the apply function. p (function | formula) a predicate function indicating which columns in a ...

    • [PDF File]Dataframes - University of Cambridge

      exible data structure in R. A data frame is a special type of list where each variable has a name and has the same length. Thus it takes the form of a two-dimensional array, but it di ers from a matrix in R as di erent variables (columns) can be of di erent types. The read.csv function creates data frames from comma-separated value les.

    • [PDF File]Apply function for each Row in an R Data Frame - Tutorial Kart

      apply(data_frame,1,function,arguments_to_function_if_any) The second argument 1 represents rows, if it is 2 then the function would apply on columns. Following is an example R Script to demonstrate how to apply a function for each row in an R Data Frame.

    • [PDF File]forecast: Forecasting Functions for Time Series and Linear Models

      na.action function to handle missing values. Default is na.contiguous. Useful alterna-tives are na.pass and na.interp. demean Should covariances be about the sample means?... Additional arguments passed to the plotting function. y a univariate numeric time series object or a numeric vector.

    • [PDF File]dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation -

      across Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns Description across() makes it easy to apply the same transformation to multiple columns, allowing you to use select() semantics inside in "data-masking" functions like summarise() and mutate(). See

    • The National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study Database in R

      : a function. This function is either myProcFunc

    • [PDF File]plm: Linear Models for Panel Data -

      found in the original data set. Note that these values slightly differ from what R’s log() function yields for the base variables. In order to reproduce examples from the literature, the pre-computed logs need to be used, otherwise the results differ slightly. Source Journal of Applied Econometrics Data Archive (complements Baltagi (2006)):

    • [PDF File]Vectors, Matrices, Arrays, Lists, and Data Frames

      Apply apply(xx, 1, sum) for the matrix xx, the sum function is applied across the columns so that the row dimension (i.e. dim 1) is preserved. > xx

    • [PDF File]xts: eXtensible Time Series -

      Apply a function to the data of an existing xts plot object and plot the result. FUN should have arguments x or R for the data of the existing xts plot object to be passed to. All other additional arguments for FUN are passed through .... Usage addPanel(FUN, main = "", on = NA, type = "l", col = NULL, lty = 1,

    • [PDF File]R If Statement with AND logical operator - Tutorial Kart

      R Dataframe - Add Column R Dataframe - Change Column Name R Dataframe - Remove Duplicate Rows R Dataframe - Replace NA with 0 Convert Matrix to R Dataframe Handling Data from Files R CSV Files - Read, Filter, Write R Read Excel XLS XLSX files Charts & Graphs R Pie Charts R Line Graphs Statistical Analysis R Mean of a Vector

    • [PDF File]The State of Naming Conventions in R - The R Journal

      popular in the R community. For example, it is safe to say that it would be unconventional to re-lease a package where function names are in all caps as in old FORTRAN. A good source of informa-tion regarding the current naming convention prac-tices of the R community is the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). The function and param-

    • [PDF File]list of some useful R functions - Columbia University

      functionName - just writing the name of the function returns the function source code help with math: { ?Control - Help on control ow statements (e.g. if, for, while) { ?Extract - Help on operators acting to extract or replace subsets of vectors { ?Logic - Help on logical operators { ?regex - Help on regular expressions used in R

    • [PDF File]Data Wrangling Tidy Data - pandas

      apply(function) Apply function to each object. min() Minimum value in each object. max() Maximum value in each object. mean() Mean value of each object. var() ... columns of a DataFrame or a single selected column (a pandas Series). These functions produce vectors of values for each of the

    • [PDF File]Data Transformation with data.table :: CHEAT SHEET - GitHub

      for transforming data in R. It works by converting R’s native data frame objects into data.tables with new and enhanced functionality. The basics of working with data.tables are: dt[i, j, by] Take data.table dt, subset rows using i and manipulate columns with j, grouped according to by. data.tables are also data frames –functions that work ...

    • [PDF File]expss: Tables, Labels and Some Useful Functions from Spreadsheets and ...

      apply_labels Set variable labels/value labels on variables in the data.frame Description apply_labels tries automatically detect what is variable label and what are value labels. See also var_labandval_lab. Usage apply_labels(data, ...) Arguments data data.frame/list... named arguments or lists. Name of argument is a variable name in the data.

    • [PDF File]R Cheat Sheet

      Apply the function fun to data depending on the value of how Reads information in from file with a variable delimiter Read csv file into dataframe Read JSON formatted file or string into a list Read XML formatted file or string into a list Writes a dataframe or matrix (or tries to convert input to one) and writes to csv

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