Atropine dose for secretions

    • [DOCX File]

      Dose: 1-2mg (0.05mg/kg in children) Q5min until drying of secretions, resolution of HR and good AE; may need >2-5mg/hr. Glycopyrolate: reverses cholinergic Sx (not CNS); use if atropine run out. Dose: 0.05mg/kg IV

      atropine oral dose for secretions

    • [DOC File]University Laboratory Animal Resources

      Agent Rodent Dose Route Atropine* 0.05 mg/kg SC *Atropine is given separately to help decrease secretions and counteract cardiac and respiratory depression caused by xylazine. Dilution of this will be necessary. To dilute: Mix 0.25ml Atropine in 4.75ml of sterile saline in a sterile vial or syringe.

      atropine for secretions hospice dose

    • [DOC File]2 - Federal Aviation Administration

      The total initial dose of atropine can be as much as 10 mg, but this dose should not be exceeded without allowing at least several minutes for a response. Further atropine administration depends on the response.

      atropine for increased secretions


      Atropine Glycopyrrolate Hyoscine Class Alkaloid. Tertiary amine Semisynthetic. Quaternary amine Alkaloid. Tertiary amine Structure. Presentation. 1200mcg/1ml 400mcg/2ml 0.4mg/1ml. 20mg/1ml Admin Use Reversal NDMBs Reversal NDMBs Preop med. Anti-sialogogue. Sedation. Motion sickness Dose (mg) 15-20mcg/kg 10mcg/kg Post auricular patch 5mcg/hr for ...

      atropine eye drops for children

    • [DOCX File]Scenario Run Sheet: Toxicology: Carbamate + methanol

      Crew on scene 60 minutes ago. Patient in cardiac arrest. Asystole on monitor. CPR commenced manually (not Austopulse due to clothing contamination), intubated by ICP, given 3 doses of adrenaline, 4 doses atropine 500mg with ROSC. PH szhizoaffective disorder, meds: olanzapine, zuclopenthixol depot ? missed last dose

      atropine drops for hospice patients

    • [DOC File]Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology

      low dose DA = D1, , Medium dose DA = (2, High dose DA = (1. The interplay of these drugs with blood vessels and heart rate will be discussed below. GI-Very complex, poorly understood. Parasympathetic activity (M) stimulates GI motility, allows sphincters to open, and increase secretions. sympathetic activity ((, ()

      atropine gtts for secretions

    • [DOCX File]

      Thick bronchial secretions. Atropine is dose related. Anticholinergics. 1. Anticholinergics. for OAB. Oxybutynin (Ditropan) 1. Prototype: oxybutynin (Ditropan) MOA / TE: Partially selective for M. 3. receptor blocking to target bladder detrusor and alleviate sxms associated with urge incontinence & urinary frequencyAdverse effects – like ...

      atropine for respiratory secretions


      Atropine, tropicamide (mydriacil), cyclopentolate, pilocopine, homatropine hydro bromide etc. i) Atropine-a common mydriatic, an alkaloid made from belladonna plant with a concentration 1.0% atropine sulphate. Dose-0.5mg stat (1-2 drops) 1hr before eye examination and also preoperatively 300-600mg IV immediately before anesthesia. Mode of action

      atropine drops dosage for secretions

    • [DOC File]UKMi Q&A xx - SPS

      The exact dose of sublingual atropine has not been established (3,4) and atropine should not be used in patients with cognitive impairment, dementia and hallucinations (3). Further studies are required to determine if, and under what circumstances, sublingual atropine is effective for the management of hypersalivation (4).

      atropine oral dose for secretions

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