Attorney fees and costs

    • [DOC File]Fee Agreement and Authority to Represent (Flat Fee)

      COSTS AND EXPENSES. In addition to paying Attorney's fees, I agree to pay all costs and expenses in connection with Attorney's handling of this matter. Costs and expenses shall be billed to me as they are incurred, and I hereby agree to promptly reimburse Attorney.

    • [DOCX File]ATTORNEY'S FEES - LegalFuel

      COSTS AND EXPENSES. Typical out-of-pocket expenses (NOTE: these are not attorney fees) for this matter may include: [ ]Costs such as court costs, filing fees, process server fees, deposition costs, sheriff or clerk of court fees, investigator's fees, etc. [ ]Abstracting charges or title insurance premiums, clerk's recording fees.


      the court to pay Client’s Attorney’s fees and/or costs, Client agrees that the attorney’s fees and costs payable to Attorney pursuant to this Agreement shall be the greater of: (i) the amount otherwise owed to Attorney under this Agreement if the award of attorney’s fees and costs were disregarded; or (ii) the amount of the court ordered award of attorney’s fees and costs.]

    • [DOCX File]Payment of attorney or agent fees (U.S. Department of ...

      Topics pertaining to the payment of attorney or agent fees to including general information on fees, withholding a portion of past-due benefits, authorizing an award, makin gan attorney or agent fee eligibility decision and sending notice, releasing funds

    • [DOC File]U.S. v. Cinemark USA, Inc. homepage

      In Farmer v. Ottawa County, 2000 WL 420698 * 7 (6th Cir. April 13, 2000), costs were awarded to plaintiff under the Fair Labor Standards Act (“FLSA”). Under the FLSA, an award of attorney fees and costs is mandatory when the court enters a judgment for plaintiff. Id.

    • [DOCX File]Justice Administrative Commission: Home

      MOTION FOR ATTORNEY FEES IN EXCESS OF FLAT FEE, COSTS OR RELATED EXPENSES. COMES NOW, [ATTORNEY NAME], as the private court-appointed attorney in the above-entitled cause, and files this Motion for Attorney Fees, Costs or Related Expenses pursuant to section 27.5304, F.S., and in support thereof, states as follows: 1.

    • [DOCX File]SAMPLE WRITTEN FEE AGREEMENTS FORMS - State Bar of California

      It also recites the client understands that any award for attorney’s fees to the client does not affect the amount of fees and costs the client owes the attorney under the fee agreement. Bills (Par. 8) Paragraph 8 complies with the statute regarding billing requirements. (B&P 6148(b)) The attorney should fill in when payment is due.

    • [DOC File]FOR PUBLICATION - Indiana

      The undersigned attorney verifies that since April 21st, 2003 through September 22, 2003, attorney’s fees, costs and expenses for this matter total $3,487.39. This amount does not include any fees for trial preparation or the actual attendance at trial, but still is in excess of the maximum allowable pursuant to I.C. 34-50-1-6, which maximum ...


      This includes an affidavit of movant’s expert witnesses on attorney’s fees. Movant’s failure to timely comply with this Order will result in a waiver of the fees and/or costs being requested and the entry of an order denying fees and costs.

    • [DOC File]Judgment - Washington State

      9. Attorney Fees, Costs and Other Recovery Amounts Shall Bear Interest at % per annum. 10. Attorney for Judgment Creditor: Respondent shall pay $ to the clerk of the court for administrative court costs, filing fees and service fees in this action. Respondent shall pay $ to the petitioner for costs and expenses in this action.

    • [DOC File]ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (name and Address ...

      ( The ( attorneys’ fees ( other costs awarded to plaintiff/petitioner are $_____ more than the amount requested in the complaint. 12. ( I/we never received a written offer to compromise (settlement offer) under Code of Civil Procedure section 998 OR the other side got a less favorable judgment than the offer I/we received.

    • [DOCX File]Statement of Attorney Fees form - Minnesota

      If you object to the requested attorney fees or costs, you must submit your objection to the Office of Administrative Hearings, and serve it on all parties, within 10 days of the date this form is served and filed. If no objection is submitted within 10 days, the attorney fees or costs requested may be awarded.


      TO ATTORNEY’S FEES/COSTS. Pending before this Court is _____ Motion for Entitlement to Attorney’s Fees and Costs. Counsel for the parties are hereby ordered to comply as follows: 1. The parties, through counsel, shall initially either agree, or resolve to disagree, on any and all entitlement issues arising out of the pending Motion for an ...


      Fees of and Costs of for a total of . Based upon the criteria established by section 744.108(2), Florida Statutes, Petitioner believes a reasonable fee for Petitioner’s services is $ hourly for attorney services hours totaling $

    • [DOC File]Procedural Rules, Attorney Fees, and General Provisions

      436-001-0435 Attorney Fees Awarded under ORS 656.277(1) (1) Attorney fees awarded under ORS 656.277(1) will be based on a reasonable hourly rate multiplied by the time devoted by the attorney to obtaining the reclassification order. (2) The director will determine a reasonable hourly rate of no less than $275 per hour and no more than $400 per ...

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