Autistic masking in teenage girls

    • [DOCX File]Introduction - Home - Open Access Repository

      Simone (2010) has explained this argument through the following description of her own experiences as an adolescent: “I tried to get my teenage best friends to be as obsessed with Tolkien and music as I was but they bonded together in their hunt for more ‘normal’ pursuits (i.e. jobs and boys) and I …

    • [DOCX File]Educationthatfits

      This paradigm is problematic for several reasons. Christensen (1996) identified four. Firstly, it leads to the attribution of student failure to a defect or inadequacy within the individual, thus masking the role that highly constraining educational systems play in creating failure.

    • [DOCX File]New Zealand Autism Spectrum Disorder Guideline’s ...

      The 13.5 contact hours of the Tackling Teenage Training intervention was delivered individually to the treatment group of adolescents on the autism spectrum across 18 sessions, and changes in outcomes from baseline to post-assessment were compared to the waitlist control group.

    • [DOCX File]Sterling Heights High School Psychology Program - Home

      Autistic Spectrum disorder. 26. What refers to impairment in social communication and interaction, restricted or compulsive behavior? A. When is autism diagnosed? Savant Syndrome. 27. What refers to cognitive impairments in certain areas but has one or more abilities that are displayed on a genius level?

    • [DOCX File]Overview - University of Surrey

      engage in a series of coping strategies that may contribute to poor psychological outcomes and delayed or misdiagnosis of ASC. Part two is the first known research synthesis to explore the female experience of ASC whilst part one is the first to adopt activity-oriented methods to shed light on the multifaceted nature of identity in females with ASC.

    • [DOC File]Literature Review Notes - University of St. Thomas

      Adam – gifted student with autistic tendencies. ... 73 boys and 33 girls / average age 7.7 years with a range of 6 – 9 years, average IQ 138.4 with a range of 130 – 157 for gifted group and 83 – 127 for nongifted group. ... An attempt to test the controversial “masking hypothesis” and; (4) an examination of the response to treatment ...

    • [DOCX File]University of Surrey

      The recent dominance of the global ideology of inclusion on social and educational policy (Paliokosta and Blanford, 2010; Hodkinson, 2016) has meant that pupils with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are increasingly likely to be included into mainstream school settings in a locational sense.

    • [DOC File]Attorney-General's Department

      3.41 In addition to those factors identified by the court, from time to time concern is expressed about the long term effects of sterilisation. For example, some have expressed the view that oophorectomy on pre-menstrual girls may lead to increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease. A number of recent studies have considered these issues.[65]

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