Award write up examples

    • [PDF File]Sample EOM Nomination Write Up - Old Dominion University

      am writing this letter to nominate Bruce Smithstone for the Employee of the Month. He is a fabulous employee, a huge asset to our department and is so deserving of this award and recognition. An outstanding accomplishment that benefited a department/students Bruce is the lead processor on the are payroll team.

    • [PDF File]Guide to Writing Award Nominations - U.S. Department of Defense

      • Write short sentences that are concise and give specific detail • Explain technical details in such a way that non-experts will understand, and spell out/define any unfamiliar acronyms • Share examples of how your nominee has served as a role model and/or mentor for others where/when applicable


      Before you can write your nomination you must first, carefully review the award nomination criteria to determine the most appropriate person or team you would like to honor. Ensure the individual or team meets the nomination criteria before you begin. KEEP IT BRIEF Write short sentences that are concise and give specific detail.

    • How to Write a Compelling Nomination - SCCMHA

      Provide examples of how your nominee has demonstrated outstanding character and is a deserving candidate for the honor or award. Show how they have: encouraged and exemplified the virtue of good citizenship; touched or enriched the lives of others, particularly those who are vulnerable or less able to help themselves;

    • [PDF File]Sample Nomination Examples 2021 - Oakland University

      NIGHTINGALE AWARDS FOR NURSING EXCELLENCE® SAMPLE NARRITAVE EXAMPLES For your convenience, we have included excerpts from past nominations as an example of how a successful nomination could be constructed and what information may be valuable to the reviewing committee. ADVANCED PRACTICE NURSING DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI EMERGING LEADER

    • [PDF File]Sample winning Excellence Award nominations (excerpted)

      provide pre- and post-award management and support to numerous other researchers. The submission had no errors -- almost unheard of when submitting a grant using the NIH submission system -- and ultimately resulted in the University receiving this award, which will have a transformational effect on pragmatic research to

    • [PDF File]US Public Health Service Honor Awards - PSC

      Badges and Insignia Individual Honor Awards Six awards for which officers may be nominated − PHS Citation (CIT) − Achievement Medal (AM) − Commendation Medal (CM) − Outstanding Service Medal (OSM)* − Meritorious Service Medal (MSM)* − Distinguished Service Medal (DSM)*

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