Awhile vs a while examples

    • When to use awhile versus a while?

      “Awhile” generally means the action attached to it will happen soon, while “a while” references a longer period of time. Also, it’s correct to use “a while” when talking about frequency, and it can become a synonym for words and phrases such as “occasionally,” “sometimes” or “every so often.”

    • Is awhile 1 word?

      When awhile is one word, it is an adverb that means "for a short time." Awhile is an adverb. Since prepositions need an object of the preposition after them (a noun or pronoun), this one-word version is not the correct choice after a preposition. You need the two-word version after a preposition.

    • Is awhile correct?

      This article is about a while, awhile - correct spelling — enjoy your reading! Not awhile, which is an adverb. Example: Wait here for a while. The expression a while is a noun form. Example: Wait here awhile. The word awhile is an adverb.

    • How to spell awhile?

      a while, awhile. noun. Not awhile, which is an adverb. Example: Wait here for a while. The expression a while is a noun form. Example: Wait here awhile. The word awhile is an adverb. See while. Rate this article: (3.05 / 4 votes)

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      Correct:Assistance is available at any time of the day. Tip: When in doubt, use any timesince it is always correct. AWHILE VS. A WHILE: Awhile:Adverb—Fora short period of time She staid in France awhile before returning home. A while:Noun phrase—A short period of time It has been a while since the company has hired new personnel.

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      Examples: = 5 sum = 15 = 19 sum = 190 The do Statement The form of the do statement is do while (); First, statement is executed. Then, the boolean_expression is evaluated. If it evaluates to true, statement is executed again.

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      While Loops vs. For Loops For a set number of iterations, you could use either “while” or “for”. forloops are short and simple, but only work when you’re trying to increment by an even amount. You can make them increment by numbers other than 1 using for n in 1:0.1:20, for example. whileloops are a little longer, but will work

    • Awhile vs. A while - Home of English Grammar

      Bustle In all three examples, awhile is used to refer to the amount of time it took or people waitedfor a certain condition or event to happen. On the other hand, a while is a two-word expression used as a noun phrase consisting of thearticle a and the noun while. The phrase a while generally means “a period, length or intervalof time”.

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      Example: She whiled away the hours ruminating on the differences between awhile and a while.

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      While vs Do-While • Differences – where condition tested: • while (first) - may execute 0 times • do-while (last) - must execute at least one time • Similarities – one statement executed – initialization before loop – update during loop

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      Awhile and A while Awhile is an adverb meaning for a short time. I guess we can stay awhile longer. A while is a paired article and noun meaning period of time. We stayed at the concert for a while. A lot and Allot A lot is always spelled as two words and means many. You can put a lot of marshmallows in your mouth.


      a = article & while = noun means "a short period of time" can (and often does) come after a preposition, such as "for" or "in" EXAMPLE She will be home in a while. Meaning: She is not at home. She will be going home. She will be at home after a short period of time. 1 word *adverb means "for a short period of time" cannot come after a preposition

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      awhile/a while awhile = an adverb meaning for a short time; cannot be the object of a preposition: Won't you stay awhile? Stay awhile. a while = a paired article and noun meaning a period of time; usually used with for: We talked for a while, and then we said good night. Stay for a while. everyone/every one everyone = an indefinite pronoun ...

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      “Do While… Loop” • A "Do While" loop statement runs while a logical expression is true. • This means that as long as your expression stays true, your program will keep on running. • Once the expression is false, your program stops running. Example of “Do While… Loop” Do While Expression ‘ Inserted code runs as long as the

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