Bacterial transcription termination

    • [PDF File]NusG is an intrinsic transcription termination factor that ... - eLife

      factors NusA and NusG (Mondal et al., 2017). Transcription termination demarcates the 3’ ends of transcription units, and misregulation of this process can result in spurious sense and/or antisense transcription (Roberts, 2019; Mondal et al., 2016). Termination in bacterial systems is known to proceed via two distinct mechanisms.

    • [PDF File]Structural basis for transcription antitermination at bacterial ...

      The bacterial transcription machinery is composed of a cata- ... The transcription initiation and termination are the most frequent targets of bacteriophage proteins during phage infection 6.

    • [PDF File]RhoTermPredict: an algorithm for predicting Rho-dependent transcription ...

      the Rho-dependent transcription termination have not yet been created. Rho is very often present in bacterial genomes and the basic principles of Rho-dependent-termination are con-served across species, despite some structural differences between Rho proteins [21]. About 20–30% of the tran-scription terminators identified in bacterial genomes are

    • [PDF File]Bacterial Transcription Termination Quizlet chez

      Expands the bacterial transcription termination in this observation has a dna methylation is involved only show activity is called the the elongation. Hits a transcription factors in hybrid is followed by limiting the correct placement of register. Purified and the rna contacts during elongation complex of bacteria begins with dna chains ...

    • Exploiting phage strategies to modulate bacterial transcription

      The bacterial transcription machinery is a proven target for antibiotics [1]. Besides RNA polymerase (RNAP) itself, bacteria also harbor numerous tran-scription regulatory factors that are essential. While sequence and structural similarities exist between bacterial and eukaryotic RNAPs, the molecular machinery comprising the transcription

    • [PDF File]Mechanism for the Regulated Control of Bacterial Transcription ... - Cell

      Molecular Cell Article Mechanism for the Regulated Control of Bacterial Transcription Termination by a Universal Adaptor Protein Michael R. Lawson,1 Wen Ma,2,3,4 Michael J. Bellecourt,5 Irina Artsimovitch,7 Andreas Martin,1,8 Robert Landick,5,6 Klaus Schulten,2 ,3 4 10 and James M. Berger1 9 11 * 1Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA ...

    • Purified RNA polymerase II recognizes specific termination sites during ...

      THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY 0 1987 by The American Society of Biological Chemists, Inc. Vol. 262.No. 19, Issue of July 5, pp. 9098-9108, 1987 Printed in U.S.A. Purified RNA Polymerase I1 Recognizes Specific Termination Sites during Transcription in Vitro* (Received for publication, October 6, 1986) Russell L. DedrickS, Caroline M. Kane, and Michael J. Chamberlin

    • [PDF File]Transcription Termination and Antitermination of Bacterial ... - bioRxiv

      Rho is a broadly conserved bacterial transcription termination factor. Rho terminates transcription only when nascent RNA is untranslated (Mitra et al., 2017). Hence, the primary function of Rho is to suppress the transcription of spurious, non-coding RNAs that initiate as a result of pervasive transcription (Lybecker

    • Transcription Termination: Variations on Common Themes - Cell

      1. Transcription Termination in Bacteria. (A) Models of bacterial transcription elongation and termination pathways. A paused intermediate is common to all termination models. In the hybrid-shearing pathway, RNA is pulled (by the action of Rho or hairpin folding) from an otherwise immobile TEC whereas, in the hyper-translocation model, hybrid ...

    • [PDF File]Alternative transcription cycle for bacterial RNA polymerase

      sequences (intrinsic terminators) or by termination factors (e.g., the E. coli Rho protein)4. While some studies suggest that RNAP dissociates rapidly from DNA upon intrinsic transcription ter-mination, others suggest that a long-lived RNAP-DNA complex can persist after termination5–8. Antisense transcription, which produces RNAs that have

    • ρ -Dependent Transcription Termination of a Bacterial Operon is ...

      affect termination and antitermination. Certain bacterio-phage A functions provide the most clearly understood example of antitermination activity (3). There are several transcription terminators within each of the early A operons. The N gene product (gp) of the phage prevents transcription termination at each of these sites. N-mediated ...

    • In vivo regulation of bacterial Rho-dependent transcription termination ...

      The bacterial transcription termination follows two path-ways: intrinsic, RNA-hairpin–dependent, and extrinsic, Rho factor–dependent termination (1). Rho is a homo-hexameric protein that is capable of binding to the nascent RNA and possesses RNA-dependent ATPase function. The latter prop-

    • [PDF File]Transcription termination factor Rho and microbial phenotypic heterogeneity

      the transcription termination factor Rho, an ATP-dependent RNA helicase–translocase responsible for the main factor-dependent termination pathway in bacteria (Ciampi 2006; Boudvillain et al. 2013; Grylak-Mielnicka et al. 2016). Thus, physiological analysis of bacterial cells in the condition of

    • [PDF File]Transcription termination and antitermination of bacterial ... - eLife

      the existence of mechanisms to prevent premature transcription termination by Rho, a conserved bacterial transcription termination factor that rapidly terminates untranslated RNA. We show that Rho can prematurely terminate transcription of bacterial CRISPR arrays, and we identify a widespread antitermination mechanism that antagonizes Rho to ...

    • [PDF File]Nus Factors Prevent Premature Transcription Termination of Bacterial ...

      bacterial non-coding RNAs. However, there are two classes of bacterial non-coding RNA that are notably long: riboso-mal RNA (rRNA) and CRISPR array transcripts. rRNA is resistant to Rho termination, likely due to redundant mech-anisms (7). The best-studied mechanism for preventing Rho termination involves the Nus factor complex, which is known

    • [PDF File]Prediction of Transcription Terminators in Bacterial Genomes

      Bacterial genomes are organized into units of expression that are bounded by sites where tran-scription of DNA into RNA is initiated and termi-nated. Regulation of gene expression is often accomplished by influencing the efficiency of these processes. Transcription termination is a product of DNA-protein interactions, destabilization of the

    • Design of novel peptide inhibitors against the conserved bacterial ...

      The Rho-dependent transcription termination plays a major role in the regulation of gene expression in bacteria. The transcription termination of about half of the operons in Escherichia coli is controlled by this termination process. The Rho protein, a homohexamer with a protomer of 46.8 kDa, is a highly conserved protein found in most bacteria.

    • [PDF File]Transcription Termination: Variations on Common Themes - Cell

      1. Transcription Termination in Bacteria. (A) Models of bacterial transcription elongation and termination pathways. A paused intermediate is common to all termination models. In the hybrid-shearing pathway, RNA is pulled (by the action of Rho or hairpin folding) from an otherwise immobile TEC whereas, in the hyper-translocation model, hybrid ...

    • Towards the unified principles of transcription termination

      Transcription termination: variations on common themes. Trends Genet 32: 508–522 Roberts JW (2019) Mechanisms of bacterial transcription termination. J Mol Biol 431: 4030 4039 Schmidt A, Kochanowski K, Vedelaar S, Ahrne E, Volkmer B, Callipo L, Knoops K, Bauer M, Aebersold R, Heinemann M (2016) The quantitative and condition-dependent

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