Being afraid of people

    • Fear of People and How to Overcome It

      1. I am afraid of people in authority 2. I am bothered by blushing in front of people 3. Parties and social events scare me 4. I avoid talking to people I don’t know 5. Being criticized scares me a lot 6. Fear of embarrassment causes me to avoid doing things or speaking to people 7.

      scared of people phobia


      Name of School. LOCAL COUNSELING NEEDS ( ELEMENTARY STUDENT SURVEY. I am worried about: 1 Getting in fights ( 2 Not getting along with my friends ( 3 Being quiet and nervous around other people ( 4 Being afraid to talk with the teacher ( 5 Making friends ( 6 Getting help when I have a problem at school ( 7 Answering questions out loud in class ( 8 Feeling good …

      things people are scared of


      A child might fear being in the ocean or the dark; an old man, on the other hand, might fear losing mental capabilities or even life. Although fears might also change throughout a lifetime, most people do remain scared of something.

      i am scared of people

    • [DOC File]Sample Five Paragraph Essay: Fear Prompt

      This is a result of his having witnessed the death of Billy Boy Watkins. He describes fear differently in the evening as being “diffused and unformed” and compares it to the fear he has experienced in the past as a child. Specifically, he indicates that his present fear is “mostly the fear of being so terribly afraid again.”

      fear of being around people

    • [DOC File]a

      HANDLING IT. Engulf: to swallow up in or as in a gulf; submerge. It is said in relationship psychology that we have two opposing fears that we are trying to avoid: being abandoned or being engulfed (i.e. so involved that we lose control of our lives and are determined or inhibited by the other to too great a degree).

      fear of people phobia

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