Best antibiotic for cat bites

    • [DOC File]Human Bite Wound

      In addition the antibiotic coverage, tetanus status must also be addressed as human bites are also high risk tetanus wounds. Infected hand wounds must all be admitted, but as long as the patient does not have systemic symptoms, localized infections at locations other than the hand can usually be treated as an outpatient with adequate antibiotic ...

      cat bite cdc recommendations

    • [DOC File]Review Date: 3/26/95 FINAL - Alpine Animal Hospital

      Antibiotic therapy is also a cornerstone of treatment. A sample of the pus is sent to the laboratory for identification of the bacteria and determination of an appropriate antibiotic. Because lab tests can tell us which antibiotic is best, the cat's chances of recovery are greatly improved when the fluid is cultured.

      antibiotic choice for cat bite

    • [DOC File]Drug - UW Students Web Server

      Dog/cat bites: 875 mg BID X 3-5d (prophylaxis) or 10-14d (infected wound) ... CIDAL, acid unstable antibiotic that inhibits the biosynthesis of cell wall mucopeptide (peptidoglycan). Most effective when bacteria are growing (subject to the inoculum effect). ... AUC/MIC correlates best with activity. Side effects (what, how common, monitoring) N ...

      cdc cat bite antibiotic recommendation

    • [DOC File]Joint Formulary Comment - FCMS

      return to contents Organisms commonly isolated from dog and cat bites include Pasteurella species, S. aureus, streptococci and anaerobic bacteria. Thorough irrigation is important. Review all bites at 24 & 48 hours to ensure responding to treatment. Human bites . Assess risk of tetanus, HIV, hepatitis B&C. Antibiotic prophylaxis is advised ...

      cat bite infection

    • [DOC File]Primary Care Antibiotic Guidelines 2010

      Animal bites: Cat bite: always give antibiotic prophylaxis, other animal give antibiotic prophylaxis if puncture wound; bite involving hand, foot, face, joint, tendon, ligament; immunocompromised, diabetics, elderly, asplenic, cirrhotic, presence of prosthetic valve or prosthetic joint. Review at 24 and 48 hours.

      cat bite infection treatment

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