Biblical proof the earth is round

    • [PDF File]The Creation of the World – According to Science

      The galaxies turn round and round, at the breathtaking speed of one complete rotation every hundred million years. What else does the universe contain? If visible matter is only about 5% of the universe, what else is there? About a quarter of it is invisible, and is therefore called “dark matter,” within and surrounding the galaxies and

    • [PDF File]Biblical Proof of Jesus as God - Grace Ambassadors

      Biblical Proof of Jesus as God ... cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they ... are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or ...

    • [PDF File]Or: Why God Doesn't Make Your Decisions for You Intro: The ...

      So the Biblical proof that you can't give control of your life to God is that God holds you accountable for you life. When the master returns, none of us will be in a position to say, "Lord, Lord, you can't hold me accountable for what I did with these talents! I gave them all to you! I surrendered all! I yielded my life to you! You were in

    • Flat Earth theory: an exercise in critical thinking

      round. The theory of a flat Earth in the modern ... The map contains several references to biblical passages as well as various jabs at the ‘Globe Theory’. 3. A hundred proofs the Earth ... Proof 43) If Earth was a ball there are several flights in the Southern hemisphere which would

    • [PDF File]A Christian Physicist Examines the Age of the Earth

      billion year old Earth are possible [3]. However, extremely different reference frames are required, one of which will be moving at nearly the speed of light relative to the Earth. In a reference frame moving in a very rapid round trip away from and back to Earth, one can measure a very short time elapsed, while eons have passed by on Earth.

    • [PDF File]The Flat-Earth Bible

      read an extensive collection of flat-earth literature. The Biblical arguments for flat-earthism that follow come mainly from my reading of flat-earth literature, augmented by my own reading of the Bible. ... round. Indeed, it was shaped much like an old-fashioned steamer trunk. (The Egyptians pictured the goddess Nut stretched across the sky as ...

    • [PDF File]Ray Comfort Scientific Facts in the Bible

      there is any proof that its claims are true. Here is compelling evidence that the Bible is no ordinary book: • Jeremiah 33:22 (written 2500 years ago): “As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured.” The Bible claimed that there are billions of stars (“host of heaven” is the biblical term for the stars).

    • [PDF File]Do Scripture and Mathematics Agree on the Number π?

      round about.” Blanter says that this passage and the nearly identical one in II Chronicles 4:2 indicate an approximation “so far from truth” that either “the Bible is false” or “scientists are lying to us.”1 In his review of Blanter’s popular book, Roz Kaveny takes special note of “…the Biblical 3

    • [PDF File]Turin Shroud; What Does The Bible Say

      being authentic, but the Bible gives us even more proof the shroud was not used for Jesus, facts that people conveniently overlook, or it could be that they just do not know the Bible very well. Jesus’ face was marred beyond recognition (Isaiah 52:14); the shroud victim’s face was bruised but otherwise fully intact. Jesus’

    • [PDF File]The Late Birth of a Flat Earth

      The flat-earth myth argues that this knowledge was then lost when ecclesiastical darkness settled over Europe. For a thousand years of middle time, almost all scholars held that the earth must be flat—like the floor of a tent, held up by the canopy of the sky, to cite a biblical metaphor read literally.

    • [PDF File]375th Does Scripture Teach a Flat Earth or a Spherical Earth

      Friend, based on this verse, you have probably already concluded that Earth is round—or more precisely, spherical (ball-shaped). You are not alone in that deduction. Many people agree with you. Actually, years ago, when I first read Isaiah 40:22, my initial impression was that Scripture declared Earth was spherical. It never once occurred to

    • [PDF File]The God Reality

      Chapter 5: The flat Earth Theory – Easily visible. 68 The math speaks for itself. 68 Discovering the flat Earth. 70 The purpose for a round-Earth conspiracy. 74 A prophetic warning for the future! 77 Chapter 6: The mathematical, geometric source-field. Nothing is coincidence! 81 String theory and Michio Kaku 81

    • [PDF File]The Black People Of America: The True Jews Of The Bible

      King Solomon, one of the wisest black men to ever walk the face of the earth, and one of the greatest kings of the nation of Israel, described himself as a black man! Let me guess you want proof? SONG OF SOLOMON 1:1 "The song of songs, which is Solomon's." 1

    • [PDF File]Is the ’erets - Creation

      ‘When a biblical text is interpreted outside of ... may read into the text either a flat earth or a round one. It is worthwhile to remind the reader of one point made in our ... His first citation for proof is explained thus: ‘As to the shape of this one collection of seas,


      basis of a patch-work report on the persecution of round-earth ... Shadow Proof of Geocentricity?”which appeared on page 8 of Biblical Astronomer number 92. In the sequence of events which transpired ... Biblical Astronomer, number 94 7 The earth, sun, and planets are painted with fluorescent paints.

    • [PDF File]It is nearly dark

      to the Biblical Hagar, and to Gerda, the Celtic witch whose potions prefigure those of a modern chemist’s shop. Indeed, as her book shows, the poems torn out of history add something exotic and also bracing to Lee’s Wimmera-formed imagination. They leave dark shadows in the corners of her picturing.


      the earth’s equator revolves round the pole of the ecliptic this is a proof that the stars do not revolve round the earth, but that the circles in which they (!) move round the northern pole are formed by the rotation of the Earth on its axis. This is the same as saying that because the

    • [PDF File]Does the Bible Teach a Spherical Earth

      location – the earth would appear round from every perspective ONLY if it were a sphere. If the earth were a flat circle for instance, then from most angles the earth would appear as an oval or even a straight-line (if perpendicular to it). Therefore, Isaiah 40:22 indicates a spherical earth.

    • Flat Earth or round sphere - JSTOR

      Flat Earth or round sphere 365 (d. AD 325) provided a dissenting opinion, but since he rejected all pagan learning as a deterrent to salvation we must take his denial of sphericity with a grain of salt. The Venerable Bede (AD 673-735), in a book intended as a teaching text, described clearly and unambiguously the round nature of the Earth.

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