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    • [DOC File]Dear Maine Consumers,

      The sale price of the boat may have been $20,000, but even if the Captain makes all his payments on time, with the 120 month (10 year) loan term, the total finance charge (dollars of interest alone!) would be just under $16,000.

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    • [DOC File]Motor car trader proposed business plan template

      (e.g. luxury/prestige cars, cheap/first cars) Is this expansion of an existing business? ... $ Website creation $ Computers, office furniture and other office equipment $ Rent/lease start-up costs $ Point of sale materials (VACC forms/contracts, or forms/contracts sourced from other places) $ Insurance start-up costs $ Utilities start-up costs ...

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    • [DOC File]Marketing Strategy: Key Concepts 4

      Online (permission based marketing) Online marketing is the most recent evolution of direct marketing. This can create channel conflict. E-Commerce Marketing. Session 1: Introduction . Session 2: Aspect of WWW as a Medium . Session 3: Markets and Pricing Models and Digital Economics . Session 4: Advertising . Session 5: E-tailing

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    • [DOC File]ABD e -NEWS - Iowa Publications Online

      The sale hours haven't been determined yet. Currently, Sunday alcohol sales in Fayette County are limited to the by-the-drink sale of malt beverages, distilled spirits and wine between 1 p.m. and 11 p.m. at restaurants that have seating for 100 or more customers and generate more than 50 percent of their revenue from food sales.

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    • [DOC File]CONTRACTS OUTLINE - Online Community For …

      Holding: Lost-volume sales don’t apply to used cars because not all used cars are the same, even of the same model and year I.e., new car dealers are lost-volume sellers because a new car can be replaced with one exactly the same; a used car, on the other hand, cannot be replaced with one exactly the same, because no two used cars are exactly ...

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    • [DOC File]University of Dayton

      If the price of a car rises, the quantity of cars bought decrease. So the demand for gasoline decreases. If all speed limits on highways are abolished, people will drive faster and use more gasoline. The demand for gasoline increases. If robot production plants lower the cost of producing a car, the supply of cars …

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