Children of athena goddess

    • [DOC File]Gods and Goddesses associated with Plants

      -- goddess of darkness of night. Lethe-- means “forgetfulness.” The river in Hades where the spirits of the dead drink and then forget their former life and become listless ghosts. Athena – goddess of knowledge, arts, war, and peace; daughter of Zeus. Phobos -- son of …

    • [DOCX File]Greek Gods and Goddesses

      Zeus was the ruler of the gods, and some of the major deities were his siblings, such as Poseidon, or his children, such as Athena. Gods could be associated with more than one power or attribute. Athena, for example, was the goddess of war but was also associated with cities, justice, skill in crafts, and wisdom. The gods were immortal.

    • Athena - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      V. Children of Zeus: 1. Athena: mainly a goddess of war, perennial virgin, goddess of crafts (weaving, pottery-making, etc.), later also symbol of intelligence and scholarship; sometimes called Pallas, often associated w/olive tree, owl (wisdom), and aegis. No mother. 2.

    • [DOC File]Greek Gods and Goddesses

      Greek Gods and Goddesses. The 12 Olympians. 1. Aphrodite: Appearance: gorgeous, eternally young woman with a beautiful body. Symbols/Attributes: a.) girdle which has magical powers to …


      Goddess of reason, wisdom, purity. Ruler of the underworld and of the dead. Sun god, god of light. Goddess of love and beauty. God of orators and writers. God of war. Goddess of the moon. Goddess of the hearth, the symbol of the home. God of fire and artisans. Aphrodite Apollo Ares Artemis. Athena Hades Hephaestus Hera. Hermes Hestia Poseidon Zeus

    • [DOC File]Dr

      Artemis Diana goddess of the hunt and protector of children Athena Minerva goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts; patron of Athens Demeter Ceres goddess of agriculture and fertility. Dionysus Bacchus god of wine, mysteries, and the theatre. Hades . Pluto god of the Underworld (did not dwell at Olympus) Hephaestus Vulcan god of smiths and metal-workers

    • [DOC File]Name:

      Athena was the goddess of wisdom. She could get angry, but more typically, she was wise, and kind, and understanding. Athena was born very oddly. Her father was the mighty Zeus. But she did not have a mother. Instead, as the myth goes, she was born directly out of Zeus' brain. Zeus loved all his children. But one of his favorites was Athena.

    • [DOC File]The Odyssey | Context

      Athena was the virgin goddess of wisdom, a warrior who sprang fully armed from Zeus' head after he had swallowed the Titaness Metis. She was also a goddess of the arts and the guardian of Athens. Her chief traits were prudence and valor. Hestia was the mild virgin goddess of the hearth, the family, and peace. She was Zeus' sister.

    • [DOCX File]Weebly

      Greek women thought they could control the sex of their unborn children with Orchid roots. If the father ate large, new tubers, the child would be male; if the mother ate small tubers, the child would be female. Iris-Iris . The flower got its name from the Greek goddess Iris, goddess of the rainbow.

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