Clonidine wean protocol pediatrics

    • [PDF File]Study Protocol June 25, 2018 Revised March 3, 2020 Primary ...

      level. Clonidine will be escalated by 1.5 mcg/kg/day every 24 hours (maximum 12 mcg/kg/day) to achieve control of symptoms. Blood pressure (BP) is documented prior to each clonidine administration. If hypotension occurs while receiving clonidine, the current dose will be held. If more than 2 clonidine doses are held in the previous 24

    • [PDF File]Dell Children’s Medical Center Pediatric Guideline

      Follow same protocol as for the short course _ wean; however wean doses every other day until off. ... [If clonidine is being used frequently, wean clonidine by 25% of dosing daily until off.] 2. Start clonidine doses as recommended above based on dexmedetomidine infusion rate, if not on clonidine ... Kanwalijeet JS, et al. Tolerance and ...

    • [PDF File]PICU SEDATION PROTOCOL - Children's Hospital & Medical Center

      clonidine • 7-14 days: Wean infusion by 0.1 mcg/kg/hr q12h un&l infusion at 0.25-0.3 mcg/kg/hr then convert to enteral clonidine • >14 days: Wean infusion by 0.1 mcg/kg/hr q24h unl infusion 0.25-0.3 mcg/kg/ hr then convert to enteral clonidine • Enteral clonidine conversion: PICU SEDATION PROTOCOL

    • [PDF File]Pediatric A Care Weaning Guidelines - ChildKind International

      •Adjuvant Medications should be considered for symptom management (ie: clonidine, anti emetics, anti agitation). Consider IP3 consult for ANY opioid/benzodiazepine weaning or opioid conversion issues and questions (including initiation of methadone, or other rescue dose questions). Hydromorphone Hydromorphone 1mg IV = Hydromorphone 5mg PO

    • [PDF File]Clonidine as a Strategy for Discontinuing Long-term Sedation with ...

      Clonidine as a Strategy for Discontinuing Long-term Sedation with Dexmedetomidine in Critically Ill Patients Illustration from Vanderbilt Medicine Magazine, ... Hospital protocol: Titrate 0.1-0.4µg/kg/h q8-24h, restart DEX with agitation and reinitiate titration ≥6 hours 20 patients excluded due to CLON :

    • [PDF File]Management of Opioid and Sedative Weaning in Pediatric Congenital Heart ...

      way to wean children with congenital heart disease from opioid and sedative medications. The majority of the re-levant literature focused on the overall population of pediatric patients in intensive care unit settings and neonates who have been exposed to opioids while in utero. Children and neonates with congenital heart disease are a unique

    • NAS PHARMACOLOGIC MANAGEMENT - University of South Florida

      • If scores average >8 DO NOT wean. • If scores average

    • [PDF File]Clonidine: Use as a sedative in Critical Care - Royal Sussex County ...

      When clonidine is no longer required, gradually wean off the infusion by reducing the rate by 0.25 - 0.5 mcg/kg/hr every hour to minimise rebound hypertension and agita9on. A slower rate of dose reduc9on may be required in some pa9ents. Example calcula4on Infusion rate: The infusion rate can be calculated from the following equa9on:

    • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) or Neonatal Opiate Withdrawal ...

      20% of original dose = 0.01mg/kg/dose and will decrease by this amount each wean. 1st wean – 0.04 mg/kg/dose Q3h 2nd wean – 0.03 mg/kg/dose Q3h 3rd wean – 0.02 mg/kg/dose Q3h 4th wean – 0.01 mg/kg/dose Q3h 5th wean - Discontinue If patient DOES NOT tolerate wean: Intolerance of wean is demonstrated by≥2 scores > 8 in last 24 hours.

    • [PDF File]Sedation weaning guideline - PICU

      Clonidine : Converting IV Clonidine infusion to oral Clonidine (100% bio-availability): Reduce IV infusion to 1 mcg/kg/hr then commence on enteral clonidine 5mcg/kg/dose 8 hrly. If dose of IV Clonidine is less than 0.7 mcg/kg/hr – calculate total dose of clonidine in 24 hrs and divide into 8hrly doses and give enterally.

    • [PDF File]Treatment Guidelines for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - UNC School of ...

      The American Academy of Pediatrics Clinical Report on neonatal drug withdrawal (2012) recommends supportive care as the first-line treatment for ... See example schedule morphine dosing with wean below b. Clonidine may be used as adjuvant therapy, also see below 2. Morphine doses may be increased by 10% every 12 hours until

    • [PDF File]NAS pharmacologic therapy protocol - Indiana

      The protocol reflects current SAMHSA recommendations. There is no best treatment ... • Wean medication dose until infant can be safely discharged. (See pp. 14 – 17.) ... • Recommended initial treatment: o Clonidine 1 mcg/kg/dose q6h (in the second week of life, begin at 1.5 mcg/kg/dose q6h and may consider q4h dosing if signs are severe ...

    • [PDF File]Sedation withdrawal guidelines - SORT

      • Wean by 20% of initial dose daily • Weaning should be complete in 5 days but this might take longer if the weaning rate is reduced CLONIDINE 10 mcg/ml ORAL solution 25/100 mcg tablets • Dose range 1-5mcg/kg 8 hourly PO • If not on PO clonidine start at 3 mcg/kg, monitor BP and only increase if withdrawal symptoms persist

    • [PDF File]Analgesia and Sedation UHL Paediatric Intensive Care Guideline

      C22/2010 Oral Morphine and Clonidine weaning guideline C246/2016 Guideline for the care of children and young people (under 18 yrs) requiring morphine Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA), Nurse Controlled Analgesia (NCA) & continuous morphine infusion C7/2015 Guideline for the care of neonates, children and young people

    • [PDF File]Opioid Tapering Template - CEP

      • If BP >90/50 mmHg, may give clonidine 0.1mg. Check BP & HR 1 hour later. If BP

    • [PDF File]UNC floor management of Morphine initiation and wean for Neonatal ...

      --Clonidine can be used as adjunct therapy (see provider protocol for dosing and details) Yes No While treating for NAS, emphasize DAILY the importance of rooming in, skin-to-skin time, and breastfeeding. These interventions have been clinically proven to be the most helpful through the withdrawal period. Help parents learn to


      Most patients should be managed on a combination of oral morphine solution and clonidine, but additional doses of choral.hydrate can be considered. If patient scores 6 or higher on withdrawal chart, please contact PICU (023 8079 4949) for advice. If symptoms are mild, start with clonidine; if more severe, give clonidine and oral morphine.

    • [PDF File]Oral Clonidine in the Management of Acquired Opioid Dependency

      using clonidine treatment in a 34-week infant after intra-uterine exposure to high-dose maternal use of tramadol.19 Hoder and colleagues published a pilot study involving seven newborns treated with oral clonidine, which was the first published study using clonidine for the treatment of NAS and would become the basis for additional research studies

    • [PDF File]Pediatric Critical Care Guideline for the Use of Dexmedetomidine

      Gerlach AT, Dasta JF, Steinberg SS, et al. A new dosing protocol reduces dexmedetomidine-associated hypotension in critically ill surgical patients. J Crit Care 2009; 24: 568-574. Hammer GB. Sedation and analgesia in the pediatric intensive care unit following laryngotracheal reconstruction. Otolaryngol Clin J Am 2008; 41: 1023-1044.

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