Conditionally independent events

    • What is a conditional event?

      The conditioning eventAdefines a new universe and all probabilities (or PMFs) have to be replaced by their conditional counterparts. For example,XandYare said to be conditionally indepen- dent, given a positive probability eventA,if P(X=x,Y=y|A)=P(X=x|A)P(Y=y|A),for allxandy, or, in this chapter’s notation, p X,Y|A(x,y)=p X|A(x)p

    • Does conditional independence imply unconditional independence?

      Y|A(y)>0. As in the case of events (Section 1.4), conditional independence may not imply unconditional independence and vice versa. This is illustrated by the example in Fig. 2.15. IfXandYare independent random variables, then E[XY]=E[X]E[Y], as shown by the following calculation: E[XY]= x y xyp X,Y(x,y) = x y xyp X(x)p Y(y)byindependence = x xp

    • What are the conditions for three events to be independent?

      Three events A,B, and C are called independent if the following two conditions hold: (a) They are pairwise independent (b) P(A ∩ B ∩ C) = P(A)P(B)P(C) For more than three events, the definition is analogous and ca n also be extended to infinitely many events. Definition 1.5.4. The events A 1,A

    • [PDF File]Conditional Probability and Independence

      Two events E and F are said to be independent if Pr(E) = Pr(EjF) (as long as Pr(F) 6= 0). This is the same as (the o cial de nition): Pr(E \F) = Pr(E) Pr(F): Note this also means Pr(F) = Pr(FjE). Example: Roll a die two times. Let E be \got a 1 on rst roll". Let F be \got a 3 on second roll". Check that these are independent. Christopher Croke ...

    • [PDF File]Lecture 4: Conditional expectation and independence

      fAi 2Ci: i 2Igare independent. (iii)Random elements Xi, i 2I, are said to be independent iff s(Xi), i 2I, are independent. Lemma 1.3 (a useful result for checking the independence of s-fields) Let Ci, i 2I, be independent collections of events. If each C iis a p-system (A2C and B 2C implies A\B 2C ), then s(Ci), i 2I, are independent.


      not conditionally independent. To put it more specifically, say, if we know that David is late for lunch, then the two seemingly independent events, “late for lunch” and “lost the watch” sud-denly explains each other away. If David comes to lunch and tells us that he lost his watch, then the probability of aliens ab-

    • [PDF File]8.3Conditional Probability, Intersection, and Independence

      Theorem 2 (Conditional Probability of Independent Events) If A and B are independent events with nonzero probabilities in a sample space S, then P(A jB) = P(A); P(B jA) = P(B): If either equation in (4) holds, then A and B are independent. Example 3 A single card is drawn from a standard 52-card deck. Test the following events for independence:

    • [PDF File]Conditional probability and independence - Purdue University

      Definition 1. Let a probability on a sample space S E, F two events, such that P(F ) > 0 Then P(E F ) (E| F ) = P(F ) Situation: Student taking a one hour exam Hypothesis: For x ∈ [0, 1] we have x (Lx) = , 2 where the event Lx is defined by Lx = {student finishes the exam in less than x hour}

    • [PDF File]3. Conditional Probability - Stanford University

      In English, a conditional probability states “what is the chance of an event E happening given that I have already observed some other event F”. It is a critical idea in machine learning and probability because it allows us to update our beliefs in the face of new evidence.

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