Cultural anthropology quizlet test 2

    • What does culture mean to anthropology students?

      When we (the authors) first ask students in our introductory cultural anthropology courses what culture means to them, our students typically say that culture is food, clothing, religion, language, traditions, art, music, and so forth. Indeed, culture includes many of these observable characteristics, but culture is also some- thing deeper.

    • What do cultural anthropologists do?

      Through immersive fieldwork, living and working with the people one is studying, cultural anthropologists suspend their own sense of what is “normal” in order to understand other people’s perspectives. Beyond describing another way of life, anthropologists ask broader questions about humankind: Are human emotions uni- versal or culturally specific?

    • How do you talk about anthropology in a class?

      1. Brainstorm an issue that affects the students in your class. Discuss ways in which the problem might be studied “up, down, and sideways.” 2. Discuss the idea of science as a cultural product: what it means to say that science is cultural and how anthropologists study science.

    • What is social anthropology?

      For instance, in the United Kingdom and many European countries, the subfield of cultural anthropology is referred to as social (or socio-cultural) anthropology. Archaeology, biological anthropology, and lin- guistic anthropology are frequently considered to be part of different disciplines.

    • [PDF File]Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

      WHAT IS CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY? The focus of this textbook is cultural anthropology, the largest of the subfields in the United States . as measured by the number of people who graduate with PhDs each year. 2. Cultural anthropologists study the similarities and differences among living societies and cultural groups. Through immersive

    • [PDF File]Cultural Anthropology 7th Edition Miller Test Bank

      The main goal of cultural anthropology is to __________. understand why people behave and think the way they do. predict culture change. trace the evolution of culture from nonhuman primates to human primates. discover the biological bases of culture.

    • [PDF File]Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

      Learning Objectives. • Explain the relationship between human language and culture. • Identify the universal features of human languages and the design features that make them unique. • Describe the structures of language: phonemes, morphemes, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

    • [PDF File]Chapter 1: Introduction to Anthropology

      activity.) Ask them to use “thick description” (Geertz) and a full sensory description to describe their temporary “field site.” What do they see, hear, smell, and touch?

    • [PDF File]Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

      Through research in places both far away and near to home, anthropologists examine relations and events that influence and determine social belonging and exclusion, whether based in gender, kinship, religion, language, political economy or historical constructions of race, ethnicity and citizenship. The scope of cultural anthropology is thus broad.

    • [PDF File]Perspectives: An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

      enrolled in my Introduction to Cultural Anthropology course just before we begin the unit on race and . ethnicity in a worksheet and ask them to answer each question fully to the best of their ability with-out doing any outside research. At the next class, I assign the students to small groups of five to eight

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