Current cases regarding amendment

    • [PDF File]Open FAR Cases as of 11/1/2021

      Open FAR Cases as of November 01, 2021 Case Number Part Number Title Synopsis Status 2021-009 Protests of Orders Set Aside for Small Business Implements the requirements in SBA's final rule October 16, 2020 (85 FR 66146) regarding size protests on set-aside orders under multiple-award contracts that were not


      cusses various implications of the Fourth Amendment in social network-ing, including consent and “opting in” to the privacy rules of Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare. This Part also addresses recent developments in several cases implicating Fourth Amendment protection in social networking use.


      three 19th-century cases—United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, Presser v. Illinois, 116 U. S. 252, and Miller v. Texas, 153 U. S. 535— which were decided in the wake of this Court’s interpretation of the Fourteenth Amendment’s Privileges or Immunities Clause in the Slaughter-House Cases, 16 Wall. 36.

    • [PDF File]Takings Decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court: A Chronology

      The four takings cases decided by the Supreme Court during its 2012-2013 and 2014-2015 terms attest to the Court’s continuing interest in the takings issue. ... Once in the constitutional wings, the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment today stands center stage. More than 50 takings cases have been decided by the Supreme Court since it ...

    • Censorship and the Media: A Foreword - Notre Dame Law ...

      able decisions, and proposals regarding ways in which current ... Court's First Amendment jurisprudence. In Sedler's view, bad ... interests (in both cases, of course, where the costs of disclosure are deemed to outweigh the public benefits), is also made possi-

    • United States v. Carloss: An Unclear and Dangerous Threat ...

      B. Current Fourth Amendment Jurisprudence Regarding the Home Currently, the Fourth Amendment protects the home against unreasonable searches and seizures because the Supreme Court has interpreted the amendment to mean that probable cause alone is not enough to justify a warrantless entry into a home. 2. 4 . However, this

    • Mandatory Vaccination: First Amendment Considerations

      Education’s policy regarding the denial of exemptions was entirely within the ambit of delegated legislative authority.24 The Court then rejected the defendant’s due process and religious freedom claims, relying on Sadlock.25 The Court specified that it was well-settled that a state through its

    • [PDF File]Selected Supreme Court Cases on Sentencing Issues

      Selected Supreme Court Cases on Sentencing Issues (November 2019) Page 1 UNITED STATES SENTENCING COMMISSION ║ OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL SELECTED SUPREME COURT CASES ON SENTENCING ISSUES United States v. Haymond, 139 S. Ct. 2369 (2019). The Supreme Court struck down 18 U.S.C. § 3583(k), a provision of the federal su-

    • [PDF File]2019-2020 Supreme Court Landmark Cases

      suits for copyright infringement under current law.” Earlier in March, the Court announced it would postpone oral arguments for 11 cases scheduled for the end of the month. While no formal announcement regarding April arguments has been made, it is expected that the nine cases scheduled for arguments later this month will have to be postponed.

    • Racial Profiling: Constitutional and Statutory ...

      Amendment in terms of justifying a stop, it may be difficult to address racial profiling by relying on the Fourth Amendment alone. Equal Protection and Police Activity Even stops that courts find to be justifiable under the Fourth Amendment can violate the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.


      SIXTH AMENDMENT: CASES THAT OPENED THE JURY BOX In this activity participants will focus on jury service by examining two Supreme Court cases dealing with jury selection. About these Resources Review facts and case summaries for: Batson v. Kentucky (race and jury selection) J.E.B. v. Alabama (gender and jury selection)

    • [PDF File]Summaries of Significant Supreme Court Cases Related to ...

      Summaries of Other Significant Supreme Court Cases Impacting Domestic Violence and Firearms United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1875). In the first case to deal with the Second Amendment, the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment does not bar state regulation of firearms.

    • History of Gender Discrimination and the 14th Amendment

      It took several Supreme Court cases striking these statues down as unconstitutional for women to be afforded the same constitutional rights as men. Scope of this LibGuide This bibliography will explore the history of gender discrimination after the enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment. The case law regarding this topic is voluminous.

    • Cyberbullying and the 1st Amendment: The Need for Supreme ...

      Amendment rights and lead to a highly publicized lawsuit and loss of administrator’s professional credibility. 22 Asher Brown, Billy Lucas, Ryan Halligan, Megan Meier, Phoebe Prince, Seth Walsh, Tyler Clementi, and most recently in October of 2013, Rebecca Sedwick. The all-too-soon ending of these lives was at least in part caused by ...

    • Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory ...

      reported COVID-19 cases in the U.S. overall and currently account for approximately 40% of all pediatric COVID-19 cases. – Current case rate in children 5-11 years of age is near the highest of ...

    • Drones and the Fourth Amendment: Redefining Expectations ...

      government’s use of drones under the Fourth Amendment. But it is unclear where, or even whether, drones would fall under the current jurisprudence. Because of their diverse and sophisticated designs and capabilities, drones might be able to maneuver through the Fourth Amendment’s doctrinal loopholes.

    • [PDF File]Third Party Consent Searches and the Fourth Amendment ...

      consent cases where the primary party refuses to allow the search). 3. See infra Part V.A (considering the current circuit split on this issue). 4. See Primus v. State, 813 N.E.2d 370, 376 (Ind. Ct. App. 2004) (deciding that the search was reasonable under the totality ofthe circumstances). See also discussion infra Pati V..

    • Jones v. Mississippi, the Eighth Amendment, and Juvenile ...

      Amendment forbids any sentencing scheme that mandates life without parole for juvenile offenders upon conviction for certain offenses; however, the Court held that sentencers who consider an offender’s youth and attendant characteristics may impose discretionary juvenile life without parole sentences in homicide cases.

    • [PDF File]Drone Regulations and Fourth Amendment Rights: The ...

      fluence the Court’s current understanding of the “reasonable expectation of privacy” when it is inevitably applied in warrantless drone surveillance cases. First, this Note reviews Fourth Amendment jurisprudence regarding surveillance technologies and searches. It then provides a survey of state

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