D dx ln 1 x 2

    • [PDF File]ln(1+ x .edu


      d dx ax = d dx exlna =exlna d dx (xlna) (5) =ax lna This leads to the following general derivative formula. If a>0and uis a differentiable function of x, then (6) d dx au =au lna du dx Notice that if a=ethen lna=lne=1so that (6) simplifies to d dx eu =eu lne du dx =eu du dx as we saw last time. As the author points out, this is the reason that



      1/x dx = ln x Therefore, y 2 (x) = u y 1 = x ln x (You should verify that y 2 is indeed a solution.) 2 nd-Order ODE - 15 Method II: Use formula. To use the formula, we need to write the differential equation in the following standard form: y'' 1 x y' + 1 x2 y = 0 y 2 = y 1

    • [PDF File]Lektion 6 Logaritmefunktioner


      Hold y > 0 fast og kig p a funktionen x ! ln(xy). Dens a edte d dx ln(xy)= y xy = 1 x = d dx ln(x) er den samme som den a edte for ln(x). Derfor er forskellen mellem de to funktio-ner konstant. Indsˆtter vi x = 1 ser vi at den konstant er lny. Alts a har vi demon-streret at ln(xy)=ln(x)+ln(y) for alle positive tal x og y. Men s a er ln(x 1)= ln(x)

    • [PDF File]3.6 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions


      ln(1 + x2) and then differentiate: g0(x) = 1 3x2 +1 d dx (3x2 +1) 1 2(1 + x2) d dx (1 + x2) = 6x 3x2 +1 x 1 + x2 A little algebra shows that we have the same solution, in a much simpler way. Logarithmic differentiation is so useful, that it is most often applied to expressions which do not contain any logarithms at all. Suppose instead that we ...

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      d dx Z x 2 ln(t2 + 1)dt. A direct application of the Second Fundamental Theorem of Calculus yields d dx Z x 2 ln(t 2+ 1)dt = ln(x + 1): (b) Find d dt Z



      1+x +2e2x ln p 1+x C. 1 2 e 2x ln(1+x)+ 2x 2(1+x) D. p2 e2x 1+x E. 2x x 28. d dx x sin x =A.(cosx)xsin xB. (sinx)xsin x−1 C. xcos D. xsinx[sinx x +(cosx)lnx]E.(lnx)xsin x 29. d dx tan − 1e 3x =A. 1+e3x B. e3x 1+e3x C. e3x 1+e6x D. 3e3x 1+e9x2 E. p3 3x 1−e6x 30. Rp 3 0 p 1 4−x2 dx =A.ˇ 2 B. ˇ 6 C. sin −1 p 3D.ˇ 3 E. 1 31. R4 0 p x 1 ...

    • [PDF File]Lecture 2 : The Natural Logarithm.


      2.Di erentiate with respect to x to get 1 y dy dx = d dx ln(f(x)) 3.We get dy dx = y d dx ln(f(x)) = f(x) d dx ln(f(x)). Example Find the derivative of y = 4 q x2+1 x2 1. 5. Extra Examples Please try to work through these questions before looking at the solutions. Example Expand ln(e2 p a2+1 b3) Example Di erentiate lnj3 p

    • [PDF File]Techniques of Integration - Whitman College


      d dx 1 11 x11 = 1 11 11x10 = x10. From our knowledge of derivatives, we can immediately write down a number of an-tiderivatives. Here is a list of those most often used: Z xndx = xn+1 n+ 1 +C, if n 6= −1 Z x−1 dx = ln|x|+ C Z exdx = ex +C Z sinxdx = −cosx+C 163. 164 Chapter 8 Techniques of Integration Z cosxdx = sinx+C Z

    • [PDF File]Table of Basic Integrals Basic Forms


      ln(x 2+ a) dx= xln(x2 + a2) + 2atan 1 x a 2x (50) Z ln(x2 a2) dx= xln(x2 a2) + aln x+ a x a 2x (51)Z ln ax2 + bx+ c p dx= 1 a 4ac b2 tan 1 2ax+ b p 4ac b2 2x+ b 2a + x ln ax2 + bx+ c (52) Z xln(ax+ b) dx= bx 2a 1 4 x2 + 1 2 x2 b2 a2 ln(ax+ b) (53) Z xln a 2 2bx 2 dx= 1 2 x + 1 2 x a2 b2 ln a2 b2x2 (54) Z (lnx)2 dx= 2x 2xlnx+ x(lnx)2 (55) Z (lnx ...

    • [PDF File]Properties of Common Functions Properties of ln x


      (d) lnar = rlna (Power rule) (e) ln 1 a = ¡lna 4. Difierentiation and Integration: d dx lnx = 1 x; Z 1 x dx = lnjxj+C; and Z lnxdx = xlnx¡x+C Properties of ex 1. The domain of the exponential function is the set of all real numbers, ¡1 < x < 1. 2. The range of the exponential function is the set of all positive real numbers y > 0. 3.

    • [PDF File]Integration by substitution


      3. Finding Z f(g(x))g′(x)dx by substituting u = g(x) Example Suppose now we wish to find the integral Z 2x √ 1+x2 dx (3) In this example we make the substitution u = 1+x2, in order to simplify the square-root term. We shall see that the rest of the integrand, 2xdx, will be taken care of automatically in the

    • [PDF File]5.2 The Natural Logarithmic Function


      d dx ln(x)=1/x > 0 for x>0:alwaysincreasing 4. Calculate second derivative and evaluate pos/neg intervals. (Concave up/down) d2 dx2 ln(x)=1/x2 < 0 for x>0: always concave down Graphing ln(x) y 1 e x Define the number e by ln(e)=1 (such a number exists by the intermediate value theorem). e =2.718 ...

    • [PDF File]Formulae and Theorems


      Survey of Calculus M161 Midterm 2 Page 7 of 7 Formulae and Theorems Exponential and Logarithmic Function d dx (ex)=ex d dx ln(x)= 1 x The Product Rule d dx (f(x)g(x)) = f(x)g0(x)+f0(x)g(x) The Quotient Rule

    • [PDF File]Logarithms Math 121 Calculus II - Clark University


      1 x dx. Thus Z b a 1 x dx = cb ca 1 x dx: That translates into the following identity for logarithms lnb lna = lncb lnca: Setting a = 1, b = x, and c = y yields the identity lnxy = lnx + lny, while setting a = y, b = x, and c = 1=y yields the identity lnx=y = lnx lny. Theorem 7. If n is an integer and x a positive number then lnxn = nlnx. Proof.

    • [PDF File]Test Version: A


      1 1 2xex2 dx. (A) 0 1 2 (B) (C) e Integral diverges (D) 12.A toy rocket is launched from the ground level (x= 0, y= 0) and due to the wind it falls some distance away from the launch site. The trajectory of the rocket is described by the curve y= 10x(4 x2): Determine the distance scovered by the rocket from the launch moment to the moment it ...

    • [PDF File]Differentiation Formulas Integration Formulas


      tanx = sec2 x (10) d dx cotx = −csc2 x (11) d dx secx = secxtanx (12) d dx cscx = −cscxcotx (13) d dx ex = ex (14) d dx ax = ax lna (15) d dx ln|x| = 1 x (16) d dx sin−1 x = 1 √ 1−x2 (17) d dx cos−1 x = −1 √ 1−x2 (18) d dx tan−1 x = 1 x2 +1 (19) d dx cot−1 x = −1 x2 +1 (20) d dx sec−1 x = 1 |x| √ x2 −1 (21) d dx ...

    • [PDF File]Jiwen He 1.1 Geometric Series and Variations


      2.2 Examples Power Series Expansion of ln(1+x) Note: d dx ln(1+x) = 1 1+x = X∞ k=0 (−1)kxk for |x| < 1 Integration: ln(1+x) = X∞ k=0 (−1)k k +1 xk+1(+C = 0) = X∞ k=1 (−1)k k xk = x− 1 2 x2 + 1 3 x3 − 1 4 x4 +··· The interval of convergence is (−1,1]. At x = 1, ln2 = X∞ k=1 (−1)k k = 1− 1 2 + 1 3 − 1 4 +··· Power ...



      1 (ln ) d x dx x Formula 2. By comparing Formulas 1 and 2, we see one of the main reasons why natural logarithms (logarithms with base e) are used in calculus: The differentiation formula is simplest when a = e because ln e = 1. DERIVATIVES OF LOG FUNCTIONS. Differentiate y = ln(x3 + 1).

    • [PDF File]Differentiation Formula Integration Formula


      d dx (xp+1 p+1) = xp ... secxtanx dx = secx+C d dx (cscx) = cscxcotx ∫ cscxcotx dx = cscx+C d dx (e x) = e ∫ ex dx = e +C d dx (lnjxj) = 1 x ∫ 1 x dx = lnjxj+C d dx (sin 1 x) = 1 p 1 x2

    • [PDF File]1Integration by parts


      1 ln x dx = Z x0ln x dx = x ln x Z x 1 x dx = x ln x x +C. Example 1.4 09 September Evaluate R ex sin x dx. Solution Neither factor simplifies much when differentiated, but ex is easier to integrate, so let’s try passing the prime from it onto sin x: Z ex sin x dx = Z (ex)0sin x dx = ex sin x Z

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