Different philosophers views on religion

    • Did the philosophers believe in God?

      Did Greek philosophers believe in God? Yes., some of the Greek Philosophers were atheists. However, the prevailing culture recognized a pantheon of Gods, which basically matched the Romain Pantheon of Gods. Some subscribed to the same kind of materialistic thinking expressed today as a “scientism” or an “ontological naturalism”.

    • Can you be a philosopher and religious?

      You can be a philosopher and believe in god or you can be a philosopher and not believe in the existence of god . There are many philosophers of each of the above varieties.

    • What is the difference between religion and philosophy?

      What is the difference between religion and philosophy of religion? By general understanding, religion is composed of a set of morals, rules, principles, and ethics that serve to guide one’s way of living. Philosophy, on the other hand, is a bigger domain of discipline that tackles many concepts like: metaphysics, the search for the ultimate ...

    • Religious beliefs and philosophical views: A qualitative study

      Philosophy of religion is often regarded as a philosophical discipline in which irrelevant influences, such as upbringing and education, play a pernicious role. This paper presents results of a qualitative survey among academic philosophers of religion to examine the role of such factors in their work.



      Abstract: Philosophy of religion is often regarded as a philosophical discipline in which irrelevant influences, such as upbringing and education, play a pernicious role. This paper presents results of a qualitative survey among academic philosophers of religion to examine the role of such factors in their work. In light of these findings, I

    • [PDF File]Religious beliefs and philosophical views: A qualitative study


      Philosophy of religion is often regarded as a philosophical discipline in which irrelevant influences, such as upbringing and education, play a pernicious role. This paper presents results of a qualitative survey among academic philosophers of religion to examine the role of such factors in their work.


      modern philosophy of religion implies a different attitude and has other motives. Inspired, as all philosophy, pri marily by the desire for truth, it seeks this whether the conclusions it arrives at be favourable or unfavourable as concerns the persistence of any creed or religion or any part of them. The modern rise of the Philosophy of ...

    • [PDF File]Views of the Human Being in Religions and Philosophies - Springer


      For their part, Western philosophers have given extensive thought to human nature. In this chapter, in addition to religious views, we present a short synopsis of the most relevant positions on human nature developed by outstanding philosophers. These thinkers have many topics of reflection in

    • Contemporary Philosophy of Religion: Issues and Approaches

      theories of experience, but few philosophers of religion today limit ence to self-authenticating revelation or the empirically verifiable. also a growing awareness of the diversity of human experience and historical and interpretive dimensions of experience. These developments

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