Dim as object vba

    • [DOC File]Excel VBA Basic Tutorial 1


      Object. These contain a reference to an object within Excel. You assign an object variable with the Set statement, e.g. Dim wks As Object. Set wks = Worksheets(1) Object variables are initialised to the value Nothing. Variant. This type allows the variable to hold most types of data. The initial value is Empty. VB automatically performs the ...

    • VBA Dim | How to Use Excel VBA Dim? (Examples)

      Dim rangeA as Range. reserves space for a variable that will refer to an object of type Range. One important difference between an object variable and any other type of variable is that an object variable holds only a reference to a specific object, rather than the object itself.

    • [DOC File]' General declarations - UCL HEP Group


      An object is a special type of variable that contains both data and codes. ... The following shows the example using VBA codes: Sub Resample() Dim i As Long Dim Hold(8) As Single, Hold2(8) As String Dim str As String Hold2(1) = "Anthony" Hold2(2) = "Bobby" Hold2(3) = "Chris" Hold2(4) = "Danny" Hold2(5) = "Eton" Hold2(6) = "Frank" Hold2(7 ...

    • [DOC File]This is a paragraph in the “normal” style, in which I have ...


      Define a recordset object. Dim rsUser As Recordset. Define a variable to store the value of the recordset object to be retrieved. Dim sqlString as String. Determine the set of records to be retrieved. If a single table then. ... Quick Summary Code Book – Visual Basic for Applications ...

    • [DOC File]This web page contains material for the computing an data ...


      Dim a, b, c As Double. a = CDbl(Num1.Text) b = CDbl(Num2.Text) c = a + b. result.Caption = CStr(c) End Sub. ... Num1 is the name of the text box object, and Text is one of its properties, namely the text in it. But the data type of this is a string of characters, while a is a number. CDbl is a 'built-in function' which changes a string into a ...

    • [DOC File]What is RAM Data Access - Bentley


      Dim counter As Integer ‘ check that quantity passed in variable rangeToSearch is ‘ indeed a range object. If TypeName(rangeToSearch) “Range” Then . MsgBox “You didn’t specify a range of cells” CountValues = -1. Else. For Each c In rangeToSearch.Cells. If c.Value = searchValue Then. …

    • [DOC File]This web page contains material for the computing an data ...


      Dim IMemberData1 As Object Set IMemberData1 = RAMDataAcc1.GetDispInterfacePointerByEnum(IMemberData_INT) IMemberData1.GetMemberSize lMemberID, pbstrSize Using the object model interfaces, a reference to a particular beam object in the IBeam interface would be set from the main object model interface by calling the GetBeam method for a unique ...

    • [DOC File]Quick Summary Code Book – Visual Basic for Applications


      Dim moduleName As String. Dim moduleFile As String. Dim myRange As Range, database As Range. Dim myCol As Object. Dim myRow As Object. Dim tempObject As Object. Dim foundCell As Range. Dim foundCellAddress As String. Dim msg As String. Dim response As Integer ' response from msgBox or InputBox. Dim boxButtons As Integer 'number for box buttons

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