Doi 10 1515 cog 2021 0007


      BloodPressureCognition(LCBP-COG)study Ying Xu1,2 G.Peggy McFall3,4 Lina Rydén5,6 Johan Skoog5 PhillipJ Tully7 CraigS Anderson2,8 KaarinJ Anstey1,2 Nicolas Cherbuin9 RogerA Dixon3,4 Ingmar Skoog5,10 Ruth Peters1,11,12 1 NeuroscienceResearchAustralia,Sydney, NSW,Australia 2 UniversityofNewSouthWales,Sydney, NSW,Australia 3 DepartmentofPsychology ...

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      DOI: 10.1515/plass-2017-0007. 38 Zhimin Yin, Krystyna Michalak Table 1 ... Potato virus S PVS 10-20% b Potato virus X PVX 15-20% + Potato virus A PVA Up to 40% b Tobacco rattle virus TRV Loss of saleable yield +++ Potato mop-top virus PMTV Yield loss by secondary infection +++ Tomato black ring virus TBRV 30-80% + ...

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      DOI: 10.1515/plass-2015-0007. 70 Aghar Ebadi-Segheloo et al... INTRODUCTION Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) is an important leafy vegetable, of which the leaves are consumed fresh or processed ...

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      EADS, 2021, 48 (1), 84–87 e-ISSN : 2757-6744 doi :10.52037/eads.2021.0007 Article Received: February, 9 2021 Article Accepted: March, 25 2021 REVIEW ARTICLE Adenomatoid Hyperplasia of The Oral Cavity: A Diagnostic Dilemma Ali Altındağ ID 1, Poyzan Bozkurt ID 2,*, Burak Bilecenoğlu ID 3 and Kaan Orhan ID 4


      number of ADAS-Cog variables: Number of Cancellations, Word Recall, Commands, Spoken Language, Remembering Test Instructions, and ADAS-Cog 11. In PD patients, we also see statistically significant improvements in speed, coordination and motor function. The first step of the toxic cascade to have been measured is inflammation.

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      ¥ Research in Language, 2015, vol. 13:1 ¥ DOI: 10.1515/rela-2015-0009 1 SMOOTHIE OR FRUIT SALAD? LEARNERSÕ DESCRIPTIONS OF ACCENTS AS WINDOWS TO CONCEPT FORMATION ALICE HENDERSON Universit de Savoie-Mont Blanc, France Abstract This paper explores the linguistically naive descriptions which one set of EFL ...

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      DOI: 10.1515/plass-2018-0007. 80 Cristina Cantale et al.. combines traits as the rusticity, disease and environmental tolerance (including soil conditions), to high yield potential and good grain quality. Thus, it is partic-ularly suited to give a new value to marginal environments currently dropped

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      78 ¸ E.Ferretti Table1:Examplesofdiscretep-forms Variable Potentialofavector field Lineintegralofa vector Flux Masscontent Evaluatedon 0-cells(points) 1-cells(lines) 2-cells(surfaces) 3-cells(volumes) Discrete p-form discrete0-formΦ [P] discrete1-formΦL] discrete2-formΦ[S] discrete3-formΦ[V] •Energetic variables, resulting from the multiplica- ...

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      DOI: 10.1515/jccm-2017-0007 Simulation-based Training as Perceived by Young Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Residents Sanda-Maria Copotoiu1*, Ruxandra Copotoiu2 1 University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Tirgu Mures, Romania 2 Nouvel Hôpital Civil de Strasbourg, Pole d’anesthésie, Strasbourg, France

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