Due to the fact in a sentence

    • [PDF File]High Advanced Sentence Completion


      Sentence Completion 1 (high-advanced GRE level) Directions: Choose the best word(s) to complete each sentence. The board of directors required a plenary meeting of all board members before ousting the current CEO, so because one member was absent, the issue could not be put to a vote.

    • [PDF File]GRAMMAR FOR ACADEMIC WRITING - The University of Edinburgh


      • the grammar of sentence construction • paragraphing . Punctuation . Task 1.1 . Write in the names for these punctuation marks in the boxes below: : ; “ ” ( ) [ ] * & @ # / \ ‘ ’ Task 1.2 . All the punctuation has been removed from the text below. Read the whole text and put in slashes where there you think the sentences end. Then ...

    • [PDF File]comma splices ex1 - Suffolk County Community College


      Instructions. A comma splice is an error in which two sentences are joined only by a comma. DON’T place a comma where a period can go. Instead, use a period, semicolon, or comma + FANBOYS (for and nor but or yet so). Decide if the sentence is a comma splice or a complete sentence by selecting the correct answer. Questions

    • [PDF File]Free recall of nouns presented in sentences1 - Springer


      tence constrained, sentence-random, no context was not due to the fact sentence-constrained, no sentence-random, that Ss in the sentence conditions received and sentence-random not-underlined more words. However, since Experiment 1 conditions, respectively. Comparisons of did not give dear support for the view that

    • [PDF File]Wordy Sentences - Brigham Young University–Idaho


      Wordy: Due to the fact that class is cancelled, we will postpone the quiz. Better: Because class is cancelled, we will postpone the quiz. Wordy: In spite of the fact that I am failing, I have enjoyed the class. Better: Although I am failing, I have enjoyed the class. Wordy: I bought a dog for the purpose of providing me with companionship.

    • [PDF File]Revising for Style: Clarity and Conciseness - Duke University


      The sentence abounds with actions much more interesting than being, but they’re not expressed as verbs: the nouns cause, failure, influence, and learning imply the verbs to cause, to fail, to influence, and to learn. Actions expressed in nouns rather than verbs are called nominalizations.

    • [PDF File]Exercises for Legal Writers II: Editing for Wordiness by Scott ...


      10. Owing to the fact that several of the students failed the property test, Professor James gave a test for makeup purposes. 11. The level of the water in the river is at flood stage. 12. The principal canceled school on account of snow. 13. A large percentage of women support the law. 14. In view of the fact that he had been drafted, Martin ...

    • Judicial Fact-Finding and Criminal Sentencing: Current Practice and ...

      ultimate sentence to which a defendant is subject. Guidelines commentary indicates that a “preponderance of the evidence” standard of proof (i.e., proof that a fact is more likely than not to have occurred) is sufficient for such findings. In this respect, the Guidelines effectuate the statutory mandate of 18 U.S.C.

    • [PDF File]Plea of Guilty - New York State Unified Court System


      You should be aware that a sentence of (specify: probation, conditional discharge, or intermittent imprisonment) is a revocable sentence. That means that, as part of that sentence, you will be required to adhere to certain conditions. Those conditions will be set forth in a writing and given to you at the time of sentence.

    • [PDF File]WORD USUAGE IN SCIENTIFIC WRITING - University of California, Los Angeles


      Due to -- Make sure that you don't mean because of. Due is an adjective modifier and must be directly related to a noun, not to a concept or series of ideas gleaned from the rest of a statement. "Due to the fact that..." is an attempt to weasel out. During the course of, in the course of -- Just use "during" or "in."

    • [PDF File]Tutorial #14: Writing Concisely - College of San Mateo


      Improving Sentence Focus: Writing Concisely According to research in the field of composition, university professors identify long, flowing ... Losa came to this country due to the fact that she wants a career in computer graphics. 5 2. For all intents and purposes, Aspara dropped out of school in view of the fact that she had to ...

    • [PDF File]Exercise 1: Conciseness - Oxford University Press


      5. Local high school athletic games were postponed until later due to the fact of the storm. SIMPLIFYING SENTENCES Rewrite the following sentences more simply and clearly. 1. Gladys Ann Higginbotham said she is not alone in her beliefs since other people also think the children are currently in danger. 2.

    • [PDF File]501 Sentence Completion Questions - Macomb Intermediate School District


      develop the skills necessary to tackle each type of sentence completion question. You will also improve your vocabulary and your process of elimination skills. Sentence completions test your ability to use the information found in complex, but incomplete, sentences in order to correctly complete the sentences. Sentence completions test two separate

    • [PDF File]WRITING CONCISE SENTENCES - The Writing Center


      Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.

    • [PDF File]Eliminate Wordiness Worksheet Answer Key - LA Mission


      Directions: Read each sentence: Rewrite the ones that seem too wordy. If a sentence is correct, write “Correct.” Example: The beautiful, majestic, breath-taking city of Rome was visited by many tourists from American during the hot summer. Revision: Many American tourists visit the beautiful city of Rome in the summer. 1.

    • [PDF File]5.- Reason and Cause as, because, since, because of, due to ... - ua


      We couldn’t stage the play due to budget cuts./ owing to budget cuts. The school’s success is largely due to the new director. c) For, with: For can not be used at the beginning of a sentence. “Because of”. With the meeting [being] at 14’00, I won’t have time to eat.



      The correct answer is d. plans. The revised sentence should read “Mr. Wilson plans to teach a course in physics next fall.” In other questions, the review will ask you to think through the sentences and the answer choices for a good revision. A new sentence beginning is provided.

    • [PDF File]CHAPTER 11 Editing Exercises - Pearson


      Revise each wordy sentence below to eliminate needless phrases, redundancy, and repetition. a. I have admiration for Professor Jones. b. Due to the fact that we made the lowest bid, we won the contract. c. On previous occasions we have worked together. d. She is a person who works hard. e. We have completely eliminated the bugs from this ...

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