Ex masons tell the truth about masons

    • [DOC File]Freemasonry Lodge - NativeWeb


      The intense secrecy of the Masons gave rise to many speculations concerning prurient & subversive activities. Because Masonic secrecy threatened the practice of confession, and since Masons tolerated membership by people of different religions, all Masons were ex-communicated by the Pope in 1738.

      requirements to become a mason

    • [DOC File]Who Are These Prince Hall Masons


      The Constitutions of the Free-Masons clearly defines who can and cannot be Freemasons: "The persons admitted members of a Lodge must be good and true men, freeborn, and of mature and discreet age, no bondsmen, no women, no immoral or scandalous men, but of good report". Note, there is not a word in this charge that specifies a color.

      what do masons worship



      Alexander Hamilton wisely said, "Those who stand for Homing - fall for anything." What Masonry needs, more than anything else, is a few good men. Fewer in numbers, perhaps, but mightier man most - because we have honor and truth as our constant guideposts. During the most trying years of the Civil War, there were less than 6,000 Masons in ...

      benefits of becoming a mason

    • [DOC File]The Deadly


      The Bible, only one of the "Three Great Lights" of Masonry (along with the Square and Compass), is represented to Blue Lodge Masons as symbolizing truth. In reality, the Bible may be replaced with the Koran, the Book of the Law, the Hindu scriptures or any other "holy book," depending on the preferences of the men in the Lodge.

      freemason beliefs and practices

    • [DOC File]The Secret Handshake, Secret Word, Secret High Sign, and ...


      Masons actually who seek light/understanding are lead into the darkness of moral corruption and ego defence mechanisms. They are allowed to believe and speak nonsense under the auspices of the order by men, their dominant masters who know better but must conceal the Truth from their submissives.

      secrets of freemasonry

    • One Man Exposed the Secrets of the Freemasons. His ...

      Dec 20, 2018 · The all-powerful Masons had, in the eyes of those who opposed them, gotten away with murder “Everybody loves a good conspiracy story,” says …

      what do masons believe

    • [DOC File]Healing from Free Masonry


      Jan 14, 2016 · A second reason churches have been against Masonry organizations involves the physical and emotional ailments which ensue, to members and to the sons and daughters (to the fourth generation, Ex. 34:7) of those who are Masons. Consider the following examples as personally experienced and noted by Barbara Cassada, in her book Unto Death.

      what is a 32 degree mason

    • [DOC File]Disc 1 - Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons of Ohio


      In 2001, several Royal Arch Masons felt there was need for a charity that could be supported by the Ohio Royal Arch Masons – something in Ohio that we could “put our arms around.” After several meetings, we were introduced to Edieann Didham, President of the Adopt America Network headquartered in Toledo.

      ex mason tells all

    • Ex-Masons give Honest Answers to Important Questions

      Honest Answers to Important Questions . As former Masons who have embraced the truth found in Jesus Christ, we are in a unique position.Since we have repented of our involvement in Freemasonry and have confessed our involvement in Freemasonry as sin, we have been cleansed from unrighteousness and restored to fellowship with God through our relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ.

      requirements to become a mason

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