Flat earth biblical proof

    • [DOC File]Rocky Mountain Christian Institute


      THE EARTH IS FLAT. Have your read early world history that shows that man believed that the earth was flat. ... LORD KELVIN - It takes but one proof of a young-age limit on the earth, the moon, or the sun to refute the whole gamut of evolution. ... and confirmation of this event is compelling evidence that the Biblical narrative is truly authentic.

      flat earth and the bible

    • [DOCX File]theymadeupspace.files.wordpress.com


      The Earth. Download this tract and feel free to distribute from this website: TheyMadeUp.Space. Almost everything we know about the Earth and space and the universe comes from Nasa. It is extremely easy to find evidence of Nasa hoaxes and fakes. If event one picture, video, etc. from them is fake, that calls into question everything they have ...

      flat earth bible verse

    • [DOCX File]Biblical eLearning


      Here in Isaiah chapter 11, verse 12; it talks about the “four corners of the earth.” Again you can’t say: they all believed in a flat earth therefore the Bible teaches a flat earth. You’re getting the wrong point. What it is saying is all over the earth, the four corners of the earth.

      biblical proof the earth is round

    • [DOC File]The First Four Days of Genesis - Gordon College


      Interpreted within its historical and biblical context, the "earth" of Gen. 1:10 is a flat disc. The burden of proof lies on anyone defining it as a globe. It is no wonder then that concordists cannot harmonize Gen. 1:9, 10 with modern science. Day Three, Part II: Genesis 1:11, 12

      the flat earth bible pdf

    • [DOCX File]Israelites Gathering


      biblical proof The three introductory scriptures on the preceding pages (Hosea 4:6, 1 Thessalonians 5:21, and Isaiah 1:3) will form the basic premise for the information presented in this work. Despite our being the most religious, church going people on the face of the earth, the Bible describes us as a people DESTROYED for a lack of KNOWLEDGE!

      does the bible say the earth spins

    • [DOC File]dsfdfsdf - Excelsior Springs Church


      The flat earthers say that the moon is only 3,000 miles from earth based on their calculation based on a flat earth. If the moon were that close, different sides and different phases of it would be seen in New York and Argentina (which are about 6,000 miles apart) at the same time.

      biblical flat earth verses

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