Flow murmur in children

    • [DOC File]M29-1, Part 5, V


      The murmur in patients who have atrial septal defects is not from the blood flow across the atrial septum because this flow usually is not turbulent and at low pressure. Rather, the systolic murmur results from a relative pulmonary stenosis because the left-to-right atrial shunt and the subsequent increased right ventricular volume are required ...

    • 3 common innocent murmurs in children - Pediatric Heart Specialists

      Stony Brook Children’s Pediatric Primary Care Clinic Curriculum. Murmurs. December 2019. Materials developed by Susan Walker, MD, FAAP. Goal: Evaluate infants and children with heart murmurs. Objectives: 1. Obtain the important elements in history and physical when evaluating a child with a murmur. 2. Identify some common murmurs in infancy ...

    • [DOCX File]renaissance.stonybrookmedicine.edu


      The innocent flow murmur (choose two): is benign, even with clinical symptoms. is seen in children. is seen with low cardiac output states. is seen with pregnancy. Answer: b, d. Rationale: It is benign in the absence of clinical symptoms and is seen in high cardiac output states, such as fever, stress, or pregnancy. The innocent flow murmur ...

    • [DOC File]2- Heart rate, heart sound and murmurs


      A murmur caused by a structural abnormality of the heart is called an organic murmur. A murmur resulting from turbulent blood flow in an entirely normal heart is called a functional murmur. Timing – murmurs occur while the heart is contracting (systolic) or while the heart is relaxing (diastolic or pre-systolic).

    • [DOC File]Heart Activities


      Pul flow murmur: soft blowing ejection SM over pul area; prominent with exercise, fever, anaemia. Non-innocent murmurs. Loud, pan-systolic / diastolic; assoc with symptoms or thrill; radiate; not brief. Duct dependent lesions. Duct dependent lesions: depend on flow through PDA to provide systemic / pul flow; discovered in 1st-3rd week of

    • [DOC File]NCC Pediatrics Residency at Walter Reed-Bethesda


      Murmur radiates to the carotid artery and is loudest in the Aortic Area. There may be a narrow pulse pressure (e.g. 110/100) Symptoms include Syncope, Chest Pain and Breathlessness. Differential Diagnosis of an Ejection Systolic Murmur. Aortic Sclerosis (calcification with age) Flow Murmur (e.g. anaemia)

    • [DOCX File]WordPress.com


      Normal blood flow is laminar and non-turbulent (silent) up to critical velocity. Above this velocity and beyond an obstruction, blood flow is turbulent (creates sound). Blood flow speeds when an artery or a heart valve is narrowed. The major cause of cardiac murmur is …

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