Foods bad for high blood pressure

    • [DOC File]Newsletter #1

      Examples of good fats include vegetable oils, fish oils, nuts and peanut butter. Bad fats are also called “saturated” or “trans” fats Examples of bad fats include butter, lard, red meat, fried foods, and packaged sweets and chips.

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    • [DOC File]Name Date .edu

      prepared meats such as hot boxed foods and dinners dogs,bologna, salami, and ham, bacon, and sausage other cold cuts cheese and cheese spreads canned soups and vegetables catsup, mustard, barbecue sauce, canned or bottled tomato Worcestershire sauce, and soy sauce and vegetable juices sauce pickles, olives and sauerkraut peanut butter most “fast food” onion salt, garlic salt, and …

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    • [DOCX File]P3.2.4.StudentResource

      When did you first find out you had an issue with high blood pressure? _____ Are you taking any prescription medicines for your blood pressure? Yes / No. If yes, list the name, the dosage and how often you are taking them: ... _____ Have you ever had any bad effects from a medicine or injection? Yes / No. Please list: _____ ...

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    • [DOC File]Homework Packet 1—Biomolecules - River Dell

      In general, high blood pressure means that the systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, or both may be too high. For people with diabetes, high blood pressure is 130/80 or higher. High blood pressure increases your risk for strokes, heart attacks, kidney damage and eye disease.

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    • [DOC File]New Paltz Central School District / NPCSD Homepage

      It’s important for individuals to understand healthy markers when it comes to cholesterol and blood pressure. LDL cholesterol (or bad cholesterol) should be less than 160 for people without heart disease or diabetes; less than 130 for people without heart disease or diabetes but with two or more other risk factors for heart disease; and below 100 for people with heart disease or diabetes.

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    • [DOCX File]Press Release - Indiana

      Avoid fried foods and eat meats low in fat or trim fat before cooking. To raise your HDLcholesterol, you can use healthier monosaturated fats such as canola, peanut or olive oil for salads and cooking, eat more cold-water baked or broiled fish and become more physically active. To lower your triglycerides, you can lower your blood sugar and eat fewer sweets and drink fewer sweet drinks, less alcohol and eat more …

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    • [DOCX File]Hypertension Clinic

      HDL, or high density lipoprotein, is considered the “GOOD” form of cholesterol because it removes the bad cholesterol by bringing it to the liver for excretion. This process prevents plaque from building up in your blood vessels.

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      Her average resting heart rate is 64 and her average resting blood pressure is 88/60. Trisha feels sluggish and wants an assessment of her current health. She struggled with her weight in high school and reports that while she does not want to slip back into bad habits, she does want to maintain a …

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    • 10 Best and Worst Foods for High Blood Pressure - Exercises For Inj…

      People with high blood pressure should watch their sodium. The maximum per day is 2400 mg. Compare the . Sodium. ... How many teaspoons of sugar are in each of the following foods?: ... (the bad kind!) Almonds or Microwave Popcorn: _____ ...

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    • Understanding Your Blood Results

      This report comes hot on the heels of an earlier CASH finding that many pre-packaged sandwiches are up to seven times saltier than a bag of potato chips. The danger is that high salt consumption causes high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks.

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