German men names

    • [PDF File] The German Texans - Institute of Texan Cultures

      German in Texas, including German-language publica-tion. More general causes—depopulation of rural areas and inevitable intermarriage—reduced German promi-nence. After 1900 Texas Germans entered virtually every oc-cupation in the state, and some names, such as ranch-er Robert J. Kleberg and Admiral hester W. Nimitz,

      TAG: men s names a z

    • [PDF File] <i>Margarete</i> and <i>Sulamith</i> under the Swastika: …

      Of the 22 different girls’ names which made the top twenty list between 1934 and 1938, exactly half fell into this category (Elke, Erika, Gerda, Helga, Hildegard, Inge, Ingeborg, Ingrid, Irmgard, Ursula, Waltraud). In the following table, all of the names which made the top twenty list for this time interval are displayed.

      TAG: men names list

    • [PDF File] Nine Men's Morris - Brandeis University

      Nine Men's Morris. Nine Men's Morris is an abstract strategy board game for two players that emerged from the Roman Empire.[1] The game is also known as Nine Man Morris, Mill, Mills, Merels, Merelles, and Merrills in English. It is called Mühle and Mühlespiel in German, Mérelles and Jeu de Moulin in French, Mulino in Italian, Trilha and ...

      TAG: men s names alphabetical

    • [PDF File] An Enduring Legacy – The German Influence In Samoan …

      Lagi documents the ravages of the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918 which was allowed into Samoa because of bureaucratic incompetence and decimated the population. Lagi describes in poignant detail her need to obtain an Aryan certificate (included in p131 of the Book) that certified she was “at least” 70% Aryan.

      TAG: men s names list

    • [PDF File] Women's Movement in World War I Germany - JSTOR

      Catherine Dollard. The rhetoric of the German women's movement regarding female marital. status changed during World War I. Female marital status had been a. central concern of the leadership of the women's movement prior to the war. Yet as female marital prospects diminished in the wake of the Great.

      TAG: german tanks names ww2

    • [PDF File] World War I casualties

      German Empire w 64.9 2,050,897 426,000 2,476,897 3.82% 4,247,143 Ottoman ... Register' lists the 1.7 million men and women of the Commonwealth forces who died during the two world wars. ... The names of the soldiers who died for France during World War I are listed on-line by the French

      TAG: german names in german

    • [PDF File] Men With Custer: Biographies of the 7th Cavalry

      ls about their name, age and/or place of birth.Thus, John S. Stuart Forbes enlisted as a private under the name "John S. Hiley"; Pvt. James Pym said that he was "age 22" on December 11, 1874, when in fact he was born on November 7, 1847; and Sgt. Maj. William H. Sharrow would have us believe that he was "born at sea" despite the indisputable ...

      TAG: german names and their meanings

    • [PDF File] Alsace-Lorraine: Translating German and French Names and …

      r example, type inT. e results show thatHermann. nd select French. Then click Translate.Hermann is Armand in French. This means that if you have a German ancestor in Alsace-Lorraine who had the name. Hermann, he may be listed as Hermann or Armand in the civil records.Some names will show up as having no translation.

      TAG: german names for boys


      German Surnames their names had been taken downŠif they could read at all. As H. L. Mencken7 observed, "[t]he early German immigrants had no very definite ideas about the spelling of their own names." Of equally little long-term conse- quence, as far as name spellings were con- cerned, was the act of putting one’s signature

      TAG: german baby names and meanings

    • [PDF File] Hessian Soldiers Their History and How to Find Them in

      ere discharged and remained in the United States and Canada after the war. About 2,500 settled in Canada, the majority in Quebec and some also in. New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and present-day Ontario. In the Unit. d States, they settled anywhere from the Canadian border south to Florida. Many settled in German-speakin.

      TAG: german first names male

    • [PDF File] More than Oktoberfest: The Richness of German Traditional …

      The collection of 18th and 19th century rural dress from German speaking countries at the Germanisches Nationalmuseum in Nuremberg was created in the last decade of the 19th century. It was first exhibited in 1905 in a new wing of the museum displaying 370 fully dressed mannequins (Selheim 2005). Since 2002, some of these wooden mannequins ...

      TAG: german girl names and meanings


      German printed materials and then examines the underpinnings of its use in imperial imagery. The Charlemagne illustrator’s use of a ‘wild man’ to establish a ... hermit saints with the mythological Hercules.2 Christian wild men, such as the Egyptian anchorite Onuphrius, were rehabilitated by Bavarian artists and Alsa-tian humanists. The ...

      TAG: german girl names and meaning

    • [PDF File] German Given Names - FamilySearch

      German Given Names. MALE Aaron. Abraham Adam Adalbert Adolf, -ph Aegidius Albert Alexander Alfred Alois, Aloys(ius) Amand(us) Andreas Anselm Anton August Augustin, Augustinus. Balthasar Baptist(e) Baruch Benedict Benjamin. Bernhard Berthold/Barthold Bonaventur[a] Bonifazius Carl Caspar Christian (us) Christoph (orus) C (K)lemens …

      TAG: ww2 german officers names list

    • [PDF File] War Losses (Germany) - 1914-1918-Online

      1880 and 1899 (prime candidates for service in the war). Of German men from these year groups, approximately 13 percent were killed between 1914 and 1918. Among young French men, the percentage was even higher – 17 percent.[5] There are scores of other estimates of German losses. Dietrich Orlow counts 1.6 million German dead.[6] V. R.

      TAG: german girl names for dogs

    • [PDF File] Organization of the German Infantry Battalion 1938 to 1945

      gons.The Rifle Company (Schützenkompanie) (1938 to 1945)The Rifle Company of the German Infantry Battalion underwent major changes in terms of bo. examined here covers the following Company organizations; October 1937 Rifle Company ‘a’ - three Rifle Platoons.October 1937 Rifle Company ‘b’ - three R.

      TAG: german baby names 2020

    • [PDF File] Nautical Terms English Translated to German A

      Translated to German broadcast Rundfunksendung broadcast (to) senden broadcast notice to mariners Rundfunknachrichten für Seefahrer broad on the beam genau querab broad reach raumachterlicher Kurs; Raumschotkurs broadside to the sea Breitseits zur See; Breitseits zu den Wellen bulkhead Schott bullnose Buglippe; Bugklüse bunk Koje

      TAG: african men names and meanings

    • [PDF File] 14 Prologue Summer 2014 - National Archives

      may not have spoken German or identiied much with his German heritage. A century ago, however, the Germans were at war with the rest of Europe, and anti-German feeling was high in the United States. Young Otto’s peaceful, storybook boyhood was about to be interrupted. Left: Men of the 132nd Regiment in the trenches in France, ca. October 1918.

      TAG: black german shepherd names male

    • [PDF File] The Battle of the Bulge - National Archives

      Army, about 230,000 men strong, and now, he ordered it to head for the “Bulge.” Even before Eisenhower unleashed him, Patton, champing at the bit to command an army, was ready for just such an assignment. He had already seen to it that the troops were ready to go. One of the places where German and Allied troops clashed was the small Belgian

      TAG: german boys names 2020

    • [PDF File] German Devil Tales and Devil Legends - JSTOR

      German Devil Tales and Devil Legends' We have an old German proverb, literally translated: "One should not paint the devil on the wall" (Man soil den Teufel nicht an die Wand malen). ... Twelve men dance in devils' masks; suddenly there are thirteen of them - one of them must be the devil, but no one knows which one. The dance

      TAG: common men names usa

    • [PDF File] Germans from Russia: Online Resources for Volga Germans

      with Germans from Russia heritage. Wolga Deutsche Wolga Deutsche ( is a si. e dedicated to preserving the history of Volga Germans. The website, though in Russi. n, offers many useful resources, including a gazetteer,a photo collection, an online library, information about culture and history, and a forum where participants ...

      TAG: famous men names in history

    • [PDF File] D-Day: The Beaches - U.S. Department of Defense

      Normandy — 850,279 men, 148,803 vehi-cles and 570,505 tons of supplies had been landed. Operation Overlord also began on ... Allied code names for the beaches along the 50-mile stretch of Normandy coast targeted for landing were Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword. Utah Beach. 80 percent were British; 16.5 percent, Utah was the most western ...

      TAG: men s names a z

    • [PDF File] She has the Same Name Is She her Sister? - SCCHGS

      Johann Ludwig Steck was called Ludwig or Louis. However, he can be located in various records as Johann, John, Ludwig, and Louis. Families often used the same saint’s name for most or all their children’s first names. Mary or Maria were popular for girls and St. John and St. George were popular for boys. Consequently, 12 Georges in the same ...

      TAG: men names list

    • [PDF File] German Names and Naming Patterns - New York …

      German Names and Naming Patterns James M. Beidler 1. Surnames a. Occupational b. Geographic c. Characteristic d. Patronymics e. Hofname 2. Given names a. In the 17th and 18th centuries – i. Nearly all males baptized with …

      TAG: men s names alphabetical

    • [PDF File] National Archives and Records Administration

      The lists contain the names of Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard personnel on active duty whose deaths resulted directly from enemy action or from operational activities against the enemy in war zones from December 7, 1941, to the end of World War II. The lists do not include casualties that occurred as a result of disease, homicide, or suicide.

      TAG: men s names list

    • [PDF File] Overweight and obesity among adults in Germany – Results …

      According to the German Microcensus (2017), 52.7% of adults were overweight (including obese), and 16.3% were obese [13]. Compared to the first survey in 1999, there was an increase of 3.5 percentage points for women and 6 per - centage points for men. Thus, the GEDA 2019/2020-EHIS results confirm the upward trends in obesity prevalence

      TAG: german tanks names ww2

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