How did senators vote today

    • [DOC File]Oakdale High School

      5. Twelfth Amendment E. U. S. senators elected by direct popular vote. 6. Fifteenth Amendment F. Protection from unreasonable search and seizure. 7. Sixteenth Amendment G. Limited the President’s term in office. 8. Seventeenth Amendment H. Any powers not directly given to the national . government, reserved for the states. 9.

      how congress voted

    • [DOC File](Audio) South Carolina Senate debate and 24 - 18 vote ...

      May 12, 2010 · One of the important ways that you can help, in addition to determining whether your SC Senator voted for, or against, or did not vote, on April 13, 2010 in the SC Senate on the Recall vote of the SC Personhood Bill (S.450), and then contact your Senator accordingly to either thank, express your opposition, or inquire

      senate voting records by senator

    • [DOC File]Republicans in Senate Judiciary Committee CAN Stop Kagan's ...

      Jul 08, 2010 · Please call the seven Republican Senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee as soon as possible, today (July 8), Friday (July 9), and Monday (July 12), and inform them of your request that they invoke Rule IV. of the Senate Judiciary Committee Rules, and BLOCK the vote on confirmation of the Kagan nomination to a lifetime appointment to the ...

      how each senator voted today

    • [DOC File]Document Based Question – Progressive Movement

      1913 17th Amendment calls for direct election of U.S. senators. 1916 Keating Owens Act limits child labor. 1917 18th Amendment prohibits making or selling alcoholic drinks. 1920 19th Amendment gives women the right to vote. 1. Identify four political reforms that …

      how my congressman voted

    • [DOC File]Patriot Act provisions expire as Senate compromise comes late

      Senators on May 23 failed to reach the 60-vote supermajority needed to advance bills to renew the Patriot Act without changes through 2020 or to advance the USA Patriot Act. They also balked at agreeing to any short, temporary extensions of the law that would have given Senate leaders more time to reach a compromise.

      how the senate voted yesterday

    • [DOC File]Amendments Study Sheet

      To today Washington D.C. has no Senators or Reps. to the House. 24 Abolition of Poll Taxes (1964) Poll taxes are illegal in federal elections Many Southern states had used poll taxes and literacy tests to limit black voting after the Civil War.

      how the house voted today

    • [DOC File]The Senate's Cease-Fire

      The New York Times: "The bipartisan compromise announced late Monday by a group of centrist senators gave President Bush a limited victory by expressly granting three of his judicial nominees an up-or-down vote by the Senate, all but assuring their confirmations, and opening the door to …

      senate votes by senator

    • [DOCX File]THE PEOPLES INFLUENCE - Loudoun County Public Schools

      It is not surprising that representatives and senators vote along party lines about three-fourths of the time. ... Although there is only one black senator in the 109th Congress, there were none in the 82nd Congress. Today, the House has 23 Hispanics, and the Senate has 2.

      how the senate voted today

    • [DOC File]Why I am Leaving the Senate

      Today, the mere threat of a filibuster is enough to stop a vote; senators are rarely asked to pull all-nighters like Jimmy Stewart in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.” For this reason, filibusters should require 35 senators to sign a public petition and make a commitment …

      how congress voted


      # of electors per state (What did 23rd Amend do?) This is based on the total # of seats each state has in Congress (House + Senate). Example: CA has 53 House seats + 2 Senators = 55 electoral votes. Alaska has 1 House seat + 2 Senators = 3 electoral votes. The 23rd Amendment gave 3 electoral votes to Washington D.C. bringing the total # to 538.

      senate voting records by senator

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