How secure is online shopping

    • Are online shopping sites trustworthy?

      If the online shopping platform includes an address, a telephone number, an email address and some key names affiliated to the site, then the site is more likely a trustworthy one. Companies that don’t accept credit cards are not to be trusted since credit cards are well protected against frauds while debit cards are not.

    • Should you use the same password for different online shopping sites?

      Using one password for different online purchasing sites is risky. Online purchases are usually completed on different sites, therefore, using the same passwords for different sites makes one susceptible to fraud. Users should apply different passwords on different sites as they are the gateway to one’s accounts.

    • What is the OECD definition of online shopping?

      The OECD offers a broader definition of “...the sale or purchase of goods and services conducted over computer networks by methods specifically designed for the purpose of receiving or placing orders”, even if the payment and the ultimate delivery of the goods and services are not conducted online.

    • [PDF File]Security Issues for Online Shoppers - IJSTR

      One way of ensuring your information is protected when shopping online is cross checking of the site your using is secure.

    • [PDF File]White Paper The Global Governance of Online Consumer ...

      delivery are less secure, and remedies do not exist for when something goes wrong. Generally speaking, trust between consumer and supplier or retailer is a bigger issue online than it is offline.4 There is usually limited face-to-face contact, yet goods and services are purchased. Traditional shopping provides a social


      more about shopping online securely? Choose 3 tips to share with these 3 people. Don’t Reuse passwords. Don’t use the same passwords on different sites. Consider using a password manager to keep track of all your personal passwords. Boost security by adding Multifactor Authentication (MFA) to your Gmail Account


      COVID-19 pandemic has led consumers to ramp up online shopping, social media use, internet telephony and teleconferencing, and streaming of videos and films. • This has resulted in spikes in businessto-consumers (B2C) sales and an increase in - business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce.2 The increase in B2C sales is particularly evident

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