How to make music for your song

    • [DOC File]Lab 4: Music Player - Stanford University

      Write a song of your choice for song 4. (There is a provided Excel spreadsheet which makes writing songs a lot easier.) All of the above marked with an * need to be included electronically in your prelab. Here’s an example of the output from the provided top-level testbench.

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    • [DOC File]Music to Your Ears

      For your song - what worked, what didn’t, and how did you correct or modify your song so it worked with your instrument? 1 point. Conclusion: I actually built a _____ and played _____ as my song. 1 point. This write-up will be due February 6. Late projects or parts of projects will be penalized 10% of your earned grade each day, up to 30% off ...

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    • [DOC File]MP3 Player Tips and Tricks

      Pick your music and insert the CD. Windows Media Player (WMP) should open. If not, open it. If you are connected to the internet it will pull up the list of songs on the CD. If you aren’t connected to the internet, rename the tracks to their song names. Taking the time to do this will make it easier to use your music …

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    • [DOC File]Audacity Side Project: MUSIC MIX

      Your task is to create a mix of a minimum of 5 songs (more is okay) linked together on a common word. Excerpts from each song should stay around 10-15 seconds each; longer than 30 seconds is not permitted. Every attempt should be made to make the songs sound like they were meant to connect.

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    • [DOC File]Cell Song Project

      You must turn in the rough draft of your lyrics along with your performance. Step 5: Perform your song. Bring the midi file mp3 file to class on a disk and a soft copy of your lyrics. Some ideas to make your song special: Costumes, props, dance moves are all encouraged. Memorize your lyrics for personal mobility and have fun with it!

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