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      R.N.I.No.UPBIL/2004/13526 PostalRegdNo-SSP/LW/NP-75/2005-07 HI6 —2006oT'SPT'3) 4>lvlu^H cf5t flNt Hl%cbm9|4, | IFTMSj'H'I 3KMi

    • [PDF File]Is In Christ, In Yah’shua


      continue sinning while claiming salvation in Christ, in Yah’shua… while avoiding the altar of self sacrifice and of true repentance. The Mercy Seat is exchanged for man’s blindness and justification of his self-imposed ignorance. Remember a blind spiritual man adopts an understanding according to his flesh. Blind men foolishly adopt

    • [PDF File]YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA - What do these names mean?


      The name ‘Yahweh’ (YAH-weh) is the Fathers name YAH, followed by a ‘descriptor’. The descriptor is the Hebrew word ‘weh’, which means, ‘The Self-Existent one’ (I AM). So, the name YAH-weh means, ‘YAH - The Self-Existent one’. YAH-shua YAH-shua, is the Almighty Father’s name with His highest descriptor added.

    • [PDF File]Is In Christ, In Yah’shua


      Is In Christ, In Yah’shua Seek The Light Of His Lampstand!!! I am a moving wheel. My every movement is directed by The Lord. I am focused on His Truth. My hunger is and has been insatiable for the understanding brought me by The Holy Spirit. It is my experience that the world teaches us lessons opposite The Truth of God.

    • [PDF File]The Almighty’s true name… Scriptures tell us there is only one Savior ...


      The name ‘Yahweh’ (YAH-weh) is the Fathers name YAH, followed by a ‘descriptor’. The descriptor is the Hebrew word ‘weh’, which means, ‘The Self-Existent one’ (I AM). So, the name YAH-weh means, ‘YAH - The Self-Existent one’. YAH-shua YAH-shua, is the Almighty Father’s name with His highest descriptor added.

    • [PDF File]Yah'shua - the proper name of He does, and He claimed to do the same ...


      While a mortal, Yah'shua carried the name of his step-father, Joseph, and would typically have been known as He was often referenced as "Yah'shua ben Joseph" (or "Yah'shua bar Joseph") under normal conditions, meaning Yah'shua, son of Joseph. However, His Heavenly Father was His true Father and whose Name we would therefore also expect Him to bear.

    • [PDF File]The Yah’shua


      Yah’shua Project The Lord has moved me to always freely share writings, art amd musik according to the leading of His Holy Spirit ! This I have done and now offer the world a website that freely gives what I have received in great abundance. The Lord has also directed me to make commercial offerings.

    • [PDF File]In Jesus Christ, In Yah’shua


      In Jesus Christ, In Yah’shua! The Scriptures are not of another time for another time…They are Timeless ! The Word of God is there for us, not against us ! Yet we must struggle to come close to the mirror to be found In Them and In Him Who Is Our Lord And Savior. These things are not to be taken lightly as soberness

    • [PDF File]You must believe the Father is your Savior or you will die in your sins


      YAH-shua - Is a compound name which means, YAH is Salvation. When the Almighty Father came to us Himself manifested in flesh, He combined His name with His highest descriptor ever, the Hebrew word ‘shua’. ‘Shua’ means, ‘is salvation’. YAH-shua means, ‘YAH is Salvation’. This is the name above every name! (Philippians 2:9)

    • [PDF File]Philip?” YAH -shua is YAH -weh


      YAH-shua is YAH-weh King David proclaims the Almighty Father’s name in Psalm 68:4 Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, And rejoice before Him. The prophet Isaiah confirms this in Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid;‘For YAH, the LORD,

    • [PDF File]archive.org


      R.N.I.No.UPBIL/2004/13526 PostalRegdNo-SSP/LW/NP-75/2005-07 RT? -2006eKsHvfc cf5t fMt, M9l4,| 2J3n-U-3mcT “cHdeUi” HldHI vJTcTKWcfr^TTftsT SToft 3l03Tc?rg^Rc;Weft ...

    • [PDF File]YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA - are names of The Almighty Father


      1 YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA Are names of The Almighty Father Some people say that ‘YAH’ is the shortened, or abbreviated form of the Almighty Father’s name, but that is not correct. YAH is the name of the Almighty Father. David tells us clearly in Psalm 68:4 that the Almighty Father’s name is ‘YAH’. Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on

    • [PDF File]Q ue stio nna ir e - Jo shua D o w ling Mo ntg o m e r y C o unty 2 0 2 ...


      Q ue stio nna ir e - Jo shua D o w ling P e rs ona l Inform a t i on: Na m e Jo s hua D o wl i ng ... a ppr e c i a t i o n fo r o ur na t ur a l wo r l d. T he A G r e s e r ve i s a l s o c r i t i c a l l y i m po r t a nt a s a n e c o no m i c dr i ve r, he l pi ng fa r m e r s c o nt r i but e m i l l i o ns o f do l l a r s t o o ur e c ...

    • [PDF File]Philip?” YAH -shua is YAH -weh


      YAH-shua is YAH-weh King David proclaims the Almighty Father’s name in Psalm 68:4 Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, And rejoice before Him. The prophet Isaiah confirms this in Isaiah 12:2 Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid;‘For YAH, the LORD,

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