I e yah shua holy spirit 577029006

    • [PDF File]Life in Christ Jesus Yah'shua Final


      Life is In Yah’shua It is about Him, not us ! Not in part, but All Life Is In My Son . In Him Is Eternal Life By The Power of My Holy Spirit. Only He holds the keys unto Eternal Life By My Divine Will and My Decree. He sits at the throne to My Right. There is great purpose in His Sovereignty. He has been given full dominion and is Lord over all.

    • [PDF File]Why the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ is Damaging


      The emphasis remains with the Almighty’s name ‘Yah,’ in the first syllable. The History of the name ‘Jesus’ For nearly fifteen hundred years after our Savior walked the earth, the world had never heard the name “Jesus.” The name Jesus first appeared in the King James Version

    • [PDF File]The Catholic Pope Francis, told people on YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA Why a ...


      Because of this confusion, His name ‘YAH-shua’ is seldom, if ever used and has been replaced by the generic term ‘God’. 5. YAH YAHWEH YAHSHUA What do these names mean? YAH - is the Almighty Father's name. (Psalm 68:4; Isaiah 12:2; Revelation 19:1-6 Hallelu-YAH) YAH-weh - is the Almighty Father’s name with a ‘descriptor’ added.

    • [PDF File]YaHshua or YaHWeH


      Some argue the more correct is, YaHushua, even YaHoshua. YaH u Shua, is to say, YaH is my Savior, or, YaH is Salvation. Do you begin to see what is happening? Next you have the same thing happening with the Name of the God of the Hebrews, YHWH – YaHWeH. Remember, the “a” and the “e” is not part of the Name, but are vowels replacing the

    • [PDF File]How The Savior's Name Was Changed


      the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." To be sure, the person of Yahshua is important. But the Name He was given by the angel came from On High and carries a very special meaning for the Savior, embodying the Name of Yah-weh the Father Himself. The Name Yah-shua acknowledges both the Father and the

    • [PDF File]PRAYER WARRIOR ALERT! Thwarting The Triad of Evil in Yah’shua’s Name


      Yah’shua) have invested the date with these ominous associations down through the centuries, it has acquired a power all its own. A spirit of fear has taken residence within it. It becomes like a self-fulfilling prophecy. As Job said, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me…” (Job 3:25)

    • [PDF File]Is In Christ, In Yah’shua


      Is In Christ, In Yah’shua Seek The Light Of His Lampstand!!! I am a moving wheel. My every movement is directed by The Lord. I am focused on His Truth. My hunger is and has been insatiable for the understanding brought me by The Holy Spirit. It is my experience that the world teaches us lessons opposite The Truth of God.

    • [PDF File]Gospel of Yahweh


      and Yah’shua the Messiah, whom you have sent" (John 12:49-50 and 17:3). Eternal life is given to those who have faith to obey Yahweh and Yah’shua the Messiah. The good news is that it is possible to have a relationship with Yahweh the Father (not only with Yah’shua). Yah’shua, through His saving work of redemption, reconciles us

    • [PDF File]Yah’s Holy Days and “Appointed Times” for 2022 Hebrew Israelite Radio ...


      (Those in italics were created by man to honor Yah and are referenced in the Bible, but are not commanded by Yah.) The commanded feasts are outlined in Leviticus 23 & Numbers 28-29. Fall/Winter Times English Name/ Hebrew Name Gregorian Date/ Hebrew Date No. of Days Purpose Tone / Spirit A Sabbath (No Work) A Gathering (Holy Convocation) An Offering

    • [PDF File]YHWH’s Servants Doctrinal Statement of Beliefs


      We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom our Heavenly Father sent in the Messiah’s name Yahshua, shall we be taught all things. ... Yahshua who ascended into heaven, (Joh 3:13) and is at the right hand of God YHWH, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected unto Him. ...

    • [PDF File]People call Him 'God' because they do not know His name - Yahshua Only


      YAH-weh means, ‘YAH - The Self-Existent one’. YAH-shua - In the New Testament,YAH now combines His name with His highest descriptor ‘shua’, which means ‘is salvation’. YAH-shua means, ‘YAH is Salvation’. This is the name above every name! (Philippians 2:9) Why using His name ‘YAH-shua’ and not the term ‘God’ is important.

    • [PDF File]How The Savior's Name Was Changed


      receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." To be sure, the person of Yahshua is important. But the Name He was given by the angel came from On High and carries a very special meaning for the Savior, embodying the Name of Yah-weh the Father Himself. The Name Yah-shua acknowledges both the Father and the salvation that is in His Son Yahshua.

    • [PDF File]YHWH’s Servants Doctrinal Statement of Beliefs


      Yah shua Messiah, in fulfillment of divine prophecy was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin as prophesized about 700 years before (Isa. 7:14 /Luke 1:27 /Matt 1:20). Yah shua, who showed unto his ... Yah shua our Messiah (Acts 1:11), to take the Throne of David (Isa 9:7 /Luke 1:32) and establish His everlasting

    • [PDF File]Scriptures Trinitarians Use; Correctly Explained - Jews for Yahshua


      means, “Praise YAH, you people.” King David tells us plainly in Psalm 68:4 that the Almighty’s name is YAH. David writes: “Sing to God, sing praises to His name; Extol Him who rides on the clouds, By His name YAH, and rejoice before Him.” Our Savior Himself tells us plainly His name is Yahshua, not Yeshua. …keep them in Your name,

    • [PDF File]Is In Christ, In Yah’shua


      Is In Christ, In Yah’shua Seek The Light Of His Lampstand!!! I am a moving wheel. My every movement is directed by The Lord. I am focused on His Truth. My hunger is and has been insatiable for the understanding brought me by The Holy Spirit. It is my experience that the world teaches us lessons opposite The Truth of God.

    • [PDF File]Why the ‘Trinity Doctrine’ is Damaging


      The emphasis remains with the Almighty’s name ‘Yah,’ in the first syllable. The History of the name ‘Jesus’ For nearly fifteen hundred years after our Savior walked the earth, the world had never heard the name “Jesus.” The name Jesus first appeared in the King James Version

    • [PDF File]The Holy Spirit and His Gifts - Kingdom Sermons


      the Holy Ghost.' So the reference here is to the promise of the gift of the Holy Ghost." Then I hastened to add, "But, Lord, I believe in the Holy Ghost. It's tongues I am not sure about." (I had changed it a little bit this time to "I'm not sure.") The Holy Spirit always leads us in line with the Word of God. The Word and the Spirit agree (1 ...

    • [PDF File]YaHshua servant's Home Page // About Us IAM or YAM (haYaH)


      Moses, The YaH that (that is to say) The YaH: and He said, thus shall you say to the children of Israel, The-YaH (eh-YeH) has sent me to you." It just keeps getting better, doesn’t it. For IAM we can look at Strong's H1961 -- hayah, and it does not get much better than this. I Would like to thank those that have questioned this and given me the

    • [PDF File]Why the 'Trinity Diagram' is Unscriptural


      YAH and His role as Savior completely! Scripture tells us we have only one Savior… the Father Himself. ‘I, even I, am the LORD, (Yahweh) and apart from Me there is NO Savior. Isaiah 43:11 Scripture tells us the Father’s name is YAH, not Ye. Look at the following scriptures declaring the Father’s name is YAH: (YAH - Strong’s H3050)

    • [PDF File]Yahweh Reveals Plan for Mankind with His Annual Holy Days


      The biblical Holy Days, or festivals, fall during three seasons of the year—the early-spring harvest, late-spring harvest and early-autumn harvest in the land of biblical Israel. The themes these days portray reflect Yahweh's spiritual harvest of mankind to eternal life spoken of by Yah'shua the Messiah. 1

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