Independent regulatory agencies examples

    • [PDF File]Regulation in Theory and Practice: An Overview - National Bureau of ...

      that might reasonably be included under the heading of regulatory economics. Our focus is on regulatory activities conducted by adminis-trative agencies, either independent or within the executive branch of government, that have been delegated regulatory responsibility by statute. We exclude antitrust policy and regulatory activities administered

    • [PDF File]Presidential Review: The President’s Statutory Authority over ...

      For present purposes, we understand “independent regulatory agencies” to refer to agencies whose heads are not subject to at-will discharge by the President. For additional discussion, see generally ... Examples of relevant statutes with language restricting the President’s removal power include 5 U.S.C. § 1211(b) (2018) (Office of ...

    • [PDF File]Independent Regulatory and Oversight (Fourth-Branch) Institutions - IDEA

      Independent regulatory and oversight institutions can provide another type of check and balance, alongside relationships within and between the three ... Examples of neutral guardians include institutions responsible for ensuring the free and fair conduct of elections, appointing public officials or ensuring judicial independence. ...

    • [PDF File]Presidential Review of Independent Regulatory Commission Rulemaking ...

      Presidential Review of Independent Regulatory Commission Rulemaking: Legal Issues Congressional Research Service 2 rule.11 Typically an agency will provide at least 30 days for public comment and this time period may be extended if the agency deems necessary.12 After the comment period has ended, the agency is required to review the public comments and may then issue a final rule.

    • [PDF File]The Independent Agency Regulatory Analysis Act

      Examples of independent agencies include, among others, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, the Consumer Product Safety ... Independent regulatory agencies' ability to protect people's lives and well-being would be undercut by a cost-benefit analysis ...

    • [PDF File]Independent agencies - London School of Economics

      Independent expert and regulatory agencies are widely perceived to constitute the hallmark of modern systems of regulation. Their ‘independence’ and positioning in ... agencies. The examples given in this analysis refer mainly to UK experience and in particular to the ‘Littlechild model’ of regulation. However, UK experience has a wider

    • [PDF File]3 EU regulatory agencies and health protection - World Health Organization

      as they are examples par excellence of softer, more responsive and refl ex-ive modes of governance, and may be indicative of, if not instructive for, ... S. Krapohl, ‘Credible commitment in non-independent regulatory agencies: a comparative analysis of the European agencies for pharmaceuticals and foodstuffs’, European Law Journal 10 ( 2004 ...

    • The Purposes and Limits of Independent Agencies - Duke University

      ON EXECUTIVE ORG., REPORT ON SELECTED INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES 14-15 (1971). 4. During the Carter and Reagan administrations, attempts have been made to have OMB coordinate agency rulemaking, but independent agencies have been treated gingerly in that regard, with respect paid to their independent status.

    • [PDF File]Regulatory Frameworks for Urban Services

      existence of independent regulatory agencies and their operation (See Appendix 1 for the full terms of reference). This discussion paper will, by definition, spend some time investigating the regulatory frameworks of ... urban services case studies deemed as useful examples on which to define the terrain of regulatory arrangements will then be ...

    • [PDF File]GAO-21-104305, FEDERAL RULEMAKING: Deregulatory Executive Orders Did ...

      independent regulatory agencies. 44 U.S.C. § 3502(1), (5). 4. Exec. Order. No. 13777, Enforcing the Regulatory Reform Agenda, 82 Fed. Reg. 12285 ... less than zero. The implementing guidance also includes examples of actions that fall under the definition of “deregulatory action.” Office of Management and Budget, Guidance

    • How Independent Are Independent Regulatory Agencies?

      Vol. 1988:252] INDEPENDENT AGENCIES 253 of the Paperwork Reduction Act' and OMB's authority over the Act. It is true that independent regulatory agencies are not yet subject to the requirements of Executive Order No. 12,291,2 concerning the issuance of rules, but the fact remains that independent agencies are still heavily af-

    • Extending Regulatory Review Under Executive Order 12866 to Independent ...

      exempts “independent regulatory agencies,” as defined in 44 U.S.C. § 3502, from the rest of the order, which requires agencies to submit significant regulatory actions to OIRA for review. OMB has proposed that the President eliminate that exemption and require independent regulatory agencies to comply with all of EO 12866.1


      The United Kingdom also created independent agencies to regulate the industries that were privatized by the Thatcher governments in the 1980s. The practice started to generalize in the 1990s to many other countries. The creation of separate regulatory agencies with a high degree of autonomy from governments

    • [PDF File]NEPA and Independent Regulatory Agencies - Duke University

      somewhat pronounced among so-called “independent” agencies. This paper examines the approach of one such independent agency: the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). This paper addresses the role of CEQ with respect to the NEPA obligations of independent agencies and offer examples of how several independent agencies approach NEPA. II.

    • [PDF File]Regulatory agencies under challenge - London School of Economics

      Independent agencies No fixed boundaries Frank Vibert Introduction and summary Independent expert and regulatory agencies are widely perceived to constitute the hallmark of modern systems of regulation. Their ‘independence’ and positioning in systems of governance varies according to different traditions of public administration and law.


      MEMORANDUM FOR THE HEADS OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, AND INDEPENDENT REGULATORY AGENCIES . FROM: Cass R. Sunstein . Administrator . SUBJECT: Paperwork Reduction Act – Generic Clearances ... These references are included to assist agencies seeking examples. This is merely an illustrative list, and agencies are encouraged to consult ...

    • [PDF File]Independence of Federal Financial Regulators: Structure, Funding, and ...

      Although independent agencies share many characteristics, there are notable differences. Some ... 1 This report covers all regulatory agencies that are part of the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC), an inter-agency council. Hereinafter, the report will refer to this group as the “federal financial regulators,” unless otherwise noted.

    • [PDF File]Legitimacy and Accountability of Independent Regulatory Agencies

      case of independent regulatory agencies. Since the 1980s, a concomitant process of delegation and re-regulation has come forward in Western Countries, stimulated by the earlier American experience, which also spilled over into Latin America and South Asia. The new regulatory order – extensively adopted in almost all possible sectors – has been

    • Independent Regulatory Agencies, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and ... - Congress

      Independent Regulatory Agencies, Cost-Benefit Analysis, and Presidential Review of Regulations Congressional Research Service 2 12291 had similar requirements for agencies to conduct CBA and send their rules to OIRA for review, but its requirement for centralized review applied to all rules, not just “significant” rules.

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