Iud removal procedure note



      Note: the patient must have negative Gonorrhea and Chlamydia testing prior to insertion. Open the sterile equipment using sterile technique and allowing it to become the sterile field Do not open the IUD at this time. (omit the uterine sound, IUD and scissors for removal) Bring the patient to the exam room and obtain vital signs and weight

      mirena insertion procedure note

    • [DOC File]Reproductive Health Access Project


      She would like to have another IUD inserted: (YES/NO). Procedure Note: A consent form was signed prior to the removal and is to be scanned into the record. She appears well, in no apparent distress. Alert, pleasant and cooperative. Vital signs are as documented in vital signs section. Time out taken: (TIME) Following information identified ...

      iud removal documentation

    • [DOC File]CP_IUC - Oregon


      IUD insertion IUD removal IUD replacement. Paragard Mirena Skyla Liletta. I am allergic to: ( betadine ( metals ( Ibuprofen. I understand that (mark correct box(es) below): ( This is an office procedure to PLACE the IUD into my uterus. AND/OR ( This is an office procedure to REMOVE the IUD from my uterus. IUD Insertion

      iud removal procedure note sample


      Each IUD client should have an annual exam. The ParaGard IUD needs to be replaced after 10 years of use. The Mirena needs to be replaced after 5 years. A clinician experienced in IUD insertion and removal can do removal of an IUD. Following an IUD removal, the uterus returns to …

      mirena procedure note

    • [DOCX File]www.michigan.gov


      Write procedure note which records uterine position and size, depth of uterine sounding, depth to which IUD placed, and length to which the strings trimmed, how well the client tolerated the procedure, as well as any complications that may have been encountered during the procedure. Document IUD type, lot number and expiration date.

      mirena removal procedure note

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