Journal of management and strategy

    • [DOC File]Peking University - Carpenter Strategy Toolbox

      An empirical analysis of the determinants of global strategy. Strategic Management Journal, 12 Special Issue: 17-31. Kogut, B., & Zander, U. 1993. Knowledge of the firm and the evolutionary theory of the multinational corporation. Journal of International Business Studies, 14: 95-112.

    • [DOCX File]Micro Strategic Management - Carpenter Strategy Toolbox

      Eesley, Hsu, and Roberts. 2013. The contingent effects of top management teams on venture performance: Aligning founding team composition with innovation strategy and commercialization environment. Strategic Management Journal: n/a-n/a.

    • [DOCX File]Microsoft Word - VG

      Global Strategy Journal 2011, pp. 191-205. Winner at the European Business School’s international competition for Best Paper published in 2011 on Innovation Management.

    • [DOCX File]Strategy and Strategic Management

      The report defines the concept of strategy and strategic management offered by different authors with applied examples on M&S case studies. Some definitions offer fragments of the whole concept and the purpose of this paper is to critically analyze and form a complex and detailed understanding of what is strategy and strategic management.

    • [DOC File]Risk Management Plan Template

      Risk Management is the process of identifying, assessing, responding to, monitoring, and reporting risks. This Risk Management Plan defines how risks associated with the project will be identified, analyzed, and managed. It outlines how risk management activities will be performed, recorded, and monitored throughout the lifecycle ...

    • [DOCX File]Michael J - Kellogg School of Management

      Journal of Economics and Management Strategy , Winter 2004, 13(4), p. 599-615. "The Role of Differentiation Strategy in Local Telecommunication Entry and Market Evolution: 1999-2002," (with Shane Greenstein),

    • Yuxin Chen - Kellogg School of Management

      Journal of Economics & Management Strategy, 22, 1, 215-241. [24] Yao, Song, Carl F. Mela, Jeongwen Chiang and Yuxin Chen (2012), “Determining . Consumers’ Discount Rates With Field Studies,” Journal of Marketing Research, 49,6,822-841 (authors in reverse alphabetical order).

    • [DOC File]Refereed Journal Papers: - Krannert School of Management

      Examining the Effects of Acquirer Capabilities and Acquisition Fit on M&A Performance” to be submitted to Journal of Service Management. Work in Progress: Brush, T. H., Technology and Strategy: E-Business, Governance and Service Management, Advanced Topics in Strategy Book Series, Basil Blackwell. Teaching Cases:

    • [DOC File]Strategy and Organization Theory

      Each student should develop a mental model of the literature in Strategic Management and OT and show an understanding of and appreciation for the key concepts and theories in Strategy and OT. 2. Each student should be able to critically review academic, practitioner, and peer research and develop constructive reviews of such literature.

    • [DOC File]Professional Service:

      Editorial Board Member, Journal of Management, 2002-2005. Editorial Board Member, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, 2001-2002. Ad Hoc Reviewer: 2012: Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual Conference Review . Committee.Corporate Strategy and Competitive Strategy review tracks. 2011: Journal of Management Studies, Organization ...


      The Journal of Management publishes publishes scholarly empirical, theoretical, and review articles dealing with management. Manuscripts suitable for publication in the Journal of Management cover such areas as business strategy and policy, entrepreneurship, human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational theory, and research ...

    • Strategic fit

      The strategic fit of strategy with the external context and of strategy with internal organization is a prime task of the general management team. The essential intangible barrier to strategy ...

    • [DOC File]Research in Marketing Management and Strategy, MARK 8338 ...

      Varadarajan, Rajan P., and Satish Jayachandran (1999), “Marketing Strategy: An Assessment of the State of the Field and Outlook,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 27 (2), 120-143. Webster Jr., Frederick E., Alan J. Malter, and Shankar Ganesan (2005), “The Decline and Dispersion of Marketing Competence,” MIT Sloan Management ...


      Besides, strategy is the management’s core in order to understand the significant of organization’s positions to achieve the goals, mission and vision globally (Porter, 2008).

    • [DOC File]Factors influencing the degree of international pricing ...

      Venkatraman, N. and John E. Prescott (1990), "Environment-Strategy Coalignment: An Empirical Test of Its Performance Implications," Strategic Management Journal, 11 (January), 1-23. Walters, Peter G.P. and Brian Toyne (1989), "Product Modification and Standardization in International Markets: Strategic Options and Facilitating Policies ...

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