Jq json examples

    • [PDF File] O365 … Pitting the Theory Against the Practice - FIRST


      •Business Email Compromise in O365 •Toolbox: all open-source tools •To collect •Azure Powershell modules and script •ANSSI framework •To parse and automate •Jq (json) •Csvcut (… csv) Context TLP:WHITE // TF-CSIRT 2021 // O365: Pitting the Theory against the Practice // CERT-XLM 2

      TAG: jq reference

    • [PDF File] Introduction to JSON - Springer


      Table 1-1 shows the JSON usage summary for the projects in this book. Note: The table does not include the projects that do not use JSON in their implementation. 1.3 JSON Overview As a data-interchange format, JSON provides a method for us to communicate with the server. JSON is built on two data structures that are common in nearly all …

      TAG: jq append to array

    • [PDF File] Using the MQ 9.1.5 CD REST API in Linux with no security (for ... - IBM


      Chapter 1: Overview (background, FAQs, JSON) Chapter 2: Installing and using “curl” Chapter 3: Installing and using “jq” Chapter 4: Examples of the Administrative API (installation, qmgr, queue, mqsc) Chapter 5: Examples of the Messaging API (put, get) Chapter 6: Example of Multi-Instance

      TAG: jq example

    • [PDF File] IPM Tools -central-1.amazonaws.com


      I've combined the jq instructions into commands.jq file and executed it as below: Step 2 Now let's combine the header, trailer and our message into the single JSON document: # jq -n '[inputs]' header.json reject.json trailer.json > temp.json # jq -f …

      TAG: jq add to array

    • [PDF File] Using cat and jq in Linux to validate an MQ CCDT file in JSON ... - IBM


      Note: Search for "CURDEPTH" and "currentDepth" for actual examples on different ways to get the Current Depth (or number of messages) in a Queue. Page 2 of 8 ... + Using cat and jq to validate the JSON text As suggested by Josh, you can use the Linux utility “cat” and install the utility “jq” and provide JSON text.

      TAG: jq command

    • [PDF File] Using IBM MQ CCDT file in JSON format


      CCDT file in JSON format. This feature was introduced in MQ 9.1.2 CD and it is available in MQ 9.2 LTS and CD. There are several examples and the complete JSON file for each of the examples is included. Table of Contents: - Configuration - Example 1: Very simple CCDT file: 1 channel, 1 queue manager, no SSL/TLS

      TAG: jq add key

    • [PDF File] How to validate an IBM MQ CCDT JSON file against the schema …


      Page 3 of 10 View the file in a text editor and copy the whole contents, such as with Windows Notepad: Select All the text and copy it. Then paste it in the left panel of the web page.

      TAG: jq list keys

    • [PDF File] JSON by example - PostgreSQL


      Live with Chinook data-- Step 3 Return one row for an artist with all albums as VIEW CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW v_json_artist_data AS WITH tracks AS SELECT "AlbumId" AS album_id, "TrackId" AS track_id, "Name" AS track_name, "MediaTypeId" AS media_type_id, "Milliseconds" As milliseconds, "UnitPrice" AS unit_price FROM "Track", …

      TAG: install jq bash

    • [PDF File] JSONiq: XQuery for JSON - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)


      Adding the JSONiq extensions to XQuery allows queries to process or produce JSON, XML, or HTML, combining and transforming data from any of these formats as needed. And adding JSON objects and arrays to XQuery also allows provides these useful data structures to programs that process only XML. 2. JSONiq in a Nutshell.

      TAG: jq command not found

    • [PDF File] Integration of JSON and Web Services using SQL - MIDRANGE …


      Self contained software. Defined interface. Accessible over the internet. Platform, design, and environment independent. XML and JSON are used to encode communications to and from the service. The client invokes a web service by sending a message, and waits for the corresponding response. Web services share their business logic.

      TAG: jq format json

    • [PDF File] Creating and Controlling JSON Output with PROC JSON - SAS


      The previous two examples give a good indication of how this works. In the first example, the EXPORT statement is the first statement after the PROC JSON statement, and the top-level container is an object. (It opens and closes with a brace {} and contains a comma- ... JSON code that can be used to create the desired JSON output file:

      TAG: jq insert element

    • [PDF File] Copying Data Between SAS ® and JSON Files


      • Examples 1- 3 show JSON files that can be read in a relatively automated fashion. • Example 4 shows a JSON file that requires one change to be read in a relatively automated way. • Example 5 shows a JSON file that appears to be most easily read in a different manner but could be somewhat automated.

      TAG: bash jq example

    • [PDF File] JSON - Learn programming languages with books and examples


      A JSON Value can be one of: String, Number, Boolean, Null, Object, Array. Object A JSON Object is an comma-separated unordered collection of name:value pairs enclosed in curly brackets where name is a String and value a JSON value. Array A JSON Array is an ordered collection of JSON values. Example of a JSON array: ["home", "wooden"]

      TAG: jq select key from list of objects

    • Suricata Cheat Sheet | JQ commands for parsing Suricata NSM …


      Use this cheat sheet for tips and tricks to select, filter and get rapid results from Suricata using JQ -the JSON command-line processing tool -by parsing standard Suricata eve.jsonlogs. The commands covered in this cheat sheet are focused on the NSM data and protocol logs such as SMB, Anomaly, HTTP, DNS,TLS, Flow and others. ...

      TAG: jq filter

    • [PDF File] The PeeringDB API


      jq •Light-weight and flexible command-line processor •awk, sed and grep equivalent to JSON data •A jq program is a filter •Needs an input and produces anoutput •Maybe piped •Looks weird sometimes, like „add/length“ produces average of an array •Simplest filter is „.“ which is the Identity •Maybe used to pretty print JSON ...

      TAG: jq query array

    • [PDF File] Working with JSON in RPG - Scott Klement


      •Parsing JSON data in an event-driven (SAX-like) manner •Parsing JSON in a tree (DOM-like) manner I have found the tree-style routines to be easier to work with, so will use them in my examples. Scott's RPG adapter additionally provides •YAJLINTO –a DATA-INTOinterface for reading JSON •YAJLDTAGEN –a DATA-GENgenerator for creating …

      TAG: jq windows

    • Suricata User Guide


      sudo apt install suricata jq The dedicated PPA repository is added, and after updating the index, Suricata can be installed. We recommend in-stalling the jqtool at this time as it will help with displaying information from Suricata’s EVE JSON output (described later in …

      TAG: jq to array

    • [PDF File] jqGrid


      json2.js: json utilities used in import/export module JsonXml.js: xml/json utilities used in import/export module jquery.fmatter.js: jqGrid formatter (thanks to Joshua Burnett) All of these modules are included, by default, in the new version of jquery.jqgrid.js. If you don't need them, you will have to make adjustments there.

      TAG: jq tutorial

    • [PDF File] Slurm’s REST API


      Allows users to query Slurm via HTTP requests (AKA restful API) Supports data formated as JSON or YAML. OpenAPI v3 (aka Swagger v3) compliant to allow sites to easily generate clients. JSON Web Token (JWT) authentication for …

      TAG: jq reference

    • dsJSON: A Distributed SQL JSON Processor - ACM Digital Library


      JSON processors. L1. Limited flexibility for parsing complex nested JSON records.Existing tools do not provide full flexibility to the user to determine the most relevant parts that should be parsed and included in the output. Without this flexibility, processing big JSON data can be impractical, due to memory and time constraints.

      TAG: jq append to array

    • [PDF File] Jq Json To Csv Example cdn.com


      repository on a pull data with jq. Functions are json to csv example, and creates a booking on a pipe. Make it creates a csv file with high complexity of json for interrogating, optionally specifying a json types can you can can pick out. Siege equipment than is jq json to csv using jq program expects json either

      TAG: jq example

    • [PDF File] Practical exercises: REST API - Indico


      Practical exercises: REST API Tibor Šimko @tiborsimko CERN-UNESCO School on Digital Libraries, Kumasi, Ghana November 2016 @tiborsimko 1 / 18

      TAG: jq add to array

    • vRealize Automation API Programming Guide - vRealize …


      The use cases include curl commands in request examples. To use the commands, ensure that the jq command-line JSON processor is installed with curl. The jq parser ensures that responses are formatted for optimum readability. vRealize Automation API Programming Guide VMware, Inc. 7

      TAG: jq command

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