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    • [DOC File]Leave and Call Policies and Procedures


      Ensure that all military training is up-to-date (particularly important for the Army and Navy) The next steps are service-specific and are on the next 3 pages ARMY (don’t forget to complete the bolded program steps above) Alpha & Student Company Checklist: 1. LES * Print out most recent LES from MyPay via your AKO account. 2a. TRIPS. if driving:

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    • My Pay Login Site

      My Pay allows users to manage pay information, leave and earning statements, and W-2s. This is the login and information screen.

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    • [DOCX File]VA History - Dayton VA Medical Center


      The United States has the most comprehensive system of assistance for veterans of any nation in the world. Concern for those who serve our country traces its roots back to a law enacted in 1636, when the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony were at war with the Pequot Indians.

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      Initials I understand I may contribute to TSP from my Military Pay and can make the election via MyPay I HAVE ATTACHED MY MOST RECENT CIVILIAN LES FOR MY TSP LOAN I DO NOT HAVE A TSP LOAN XII. FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTS (FSAFEDS) If enrolled, I must notify FSAFEDS at 1-877-372-3337 (prior to leaving for military service) regarding my entrance ...

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    • [DOC File]July 2004 Newsletter


      myPay delivers your LES two days before print mail. Changes made on myPay take effect instantly. myPay delivers confidence in knowing your pay is accurate because you're in charge. Access myPay day or night at: https://mypay.dfas.mil. Turn off your printed LES for greater security and privacy. P.O. Box 16237. July 2004 Arlington, VA 22215

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      Nov 16, 2015 · Premiums are automatically deducted from my LES each pay period until completed, unless a different option is offered/ approved by DFAS. I will see two FEHB premiums deducted from my LES; one for my regular FEHB premium and one to repay the owed premium. DO NOT MARK IF YOU ARE KEEPING FEHB: I. EL. ECT. TO. UTILIZE my 180 day …

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    • [DOC File]Thrift Savings Plan: www


      for division chiefs…responsible for the clinical operations of the (subspecialty division), which sees over (#) patients annually at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, National Naval Medical Center, and (list satellite clinics)

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    • home.army.mil

      - Beginning in January 2021, your LES within myPay will reflect the monthly collection amount and contain a note in the remarks section that shows the remaining balance of deferred Social Security taxes. - If you separate or retire prior to the deferred Social Security tax being collected in full, you are still responsible for the remainder of ...

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    • home.army.mil

      - Beginning in January 2021, your myPay LES Remarks section will show the 2020 deferred OASDI collection amount as well as your remaining balance to be collected. - If you separate or retire before December 4, 2021, and prior to the deferred Social Security tax being collected in full, you are still responsible for the remainder of your Social ...

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