List of career pathways

    • [DOC File]Career Pathways for the 21st Century

      Academically-Focused Career (AFC) Pathways are a subset of Career Pathways that utilize academic content in a way that builds knowledge and skills to help students prepare for a chosen career. AFC Pathways should be developed in consultation with the student and should be based on his/her interests and career skill inventory results from Career ...

      career pathways template


      CAREER PATHWAYS. Pathways Overview 15 Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources 16. Architecture & Construction 17. Arts, A/V Technology & Communications 18. Business Mgt & Administration 19 . Education & Training 20. Finance 21. Govt. & Public Administration 22. Health Science 23. Hospitality & Tourism 24. Human Services 25. Information Technology 26. Law, Pub.

      career pathways chart

    • [DOC File]Career Clusters and Programs of Study

      The 16 career clusters are occupational categories with industry-validated knowledge and skills statements that define what students need to know and be able to do in order to realize success in a chosen field. Within each of the clusters, programs of study (also called “career pathways”) have been developed, which outline sequences of ...

      wioa career pathways

    • [DOCX File]Massachusetts Career Pathways Systems Development for ...

      Career pathways operate on four levels: state, region, local, and program. At the state level, the state workforce board develops broad strategies that guide and support the use of career pathways in the regional workforce development areas. In the state’s

      career pathways examples

    • [DOCX File]

      Pathways Youth & Family Services, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer- 2 - Rev. 3-2012. ... Failure to list specific examples of work duties in all areas of qualifications, knowledge, skills and abilities listed in the job posting may result in the applicant being considered unqualified.

      6 career pathways

    • [DOCX File]Organizational Readiness for Implementing a Work-based ...

      Organizational Readiness for Implementing a Work-based Learning/Career Pathways Program for Frontline Health and Healthcare Workers. Jennifer Craft Morgan. and Bob Konrad, UNC Evaluation of the Jobs to Careers Initiative.

      career path

    • [DOC File]What is a Statewide Career Pathways articulation template ...

      A sample of a completed articulation agreement, based on a Statewide Career Pathways articulation template, is included with this handout. Step Five Submit your agreement to be posted on the Statewide Career Pathways database by emailing, faxing, or mailing a signed copy of the agreement to Statewide Career Pathways project staff.

      career pathway questionnaire checklist pdf

    • [DOC File]

      Carl D. Perkins Continuous Improvement Plan College Career Pathways 2016-17. PURPOSE: To continue the consortia College Career Pathways program goals and objectives that encourage the development of four-year or six-year career and technical education programs that combine secondary and postsecondary programs. These programs lead to a minimum ...

      the six career pathways


      Career Cluster – A grouping of occupations and broad industries based on commonalities. The sixteen career clusters provide an organizing tool for school, small learning communities, academies and magnet schools. Career Cluster Pathway – A grouping of occupations within a …

      career pathways template

    • [DOC File]Career Pathways - Lane Community College

      Oct 24, 2006 · Career pathways are targeted to regional labor markets, focused on employment sectors, and provide a framework for workforce development by integrating the programs and resources of community colleges and other education institutions, workforce agencies, and social service providers. As such, career pathways provide community colleges the ...

      career pathways chart

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