Local government salaries



      the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000, the Regulations emanating therefrom, the Labour Relations Act, 1995, the. Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1998 and the Employment Equity Act, 1998, form the legal and policy framework for the remuneration of municipal employees. 1.2 Local Government Remuneration Policy

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    • [DOC File]Measuring Government Employment & Wages


      Central Government Wage Bill: The sum of wages and salaries paid to civilian central government and the armed forces. Wages and salaries consist of all payments in cash, but not in kind, to employees in return for services rendered, before deduction of withholding taxes and employee pension contributions.

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      The [State or Local Government Organization] has received an indirect cost rate from the Department of the Interior since fiscal year (FY) 1990. This proposal is based upon estimated budgets for all programs to be administered by the [Organization] during the period July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008.

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    • [DOC File]GENERAL TERM ORDER - FinanceKY


      Salaries and Employer’s Share of F.I.C.A Retirement & Insurance $ Regular Office Expenses $ Equipment $ Total $ The further requests, that with the amount of $ requested for salaries, F.I.C.A., Retirement and Insurance that he/she be allowed to employ deputies as . listed on Page two of this request with the understanding that all deputies ...

      state government salaries

    • [DOC File]Georgia Department of Education


      This section includes the costs of general local government salaries (e.g., the salaries of the superintendent and his/her secretary, associate and/or assistant superintendents, their staff and clerical assistants), the employee benefits for these positions, and other costs related to these positions (e.g., travel and office expense).

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    • [DOC File]Local Mandate Fiscal Impact Estimate


      The economist reviewed data regarding local government salaries from the 2012 Current Population Survey’s Merged Outgoing Rotations Group (MORG) file**. The estimates by KLC and the LRC staff economist include only estimates of the cost of wage increases to local governments.

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    • [DOC File]The Official Web Site for The State of New Jersey


      Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, a local unit of government, or an agency, board, commission, authority or instrumentality thereof, may establish as an employer a cafeteria plan for its employees pursuant to section 125 of the federal Internal Revenue Code, 26 U.S.C. s.125, and shall establish such a plan for ...

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      This allows a local government to take steps to mitigate potential problems in a more timely fashion and/or make adjustments with respect to other parts of the budget. These reports can also identify emerging issues and provide important trend data for the development of upcoming budgets.

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    • [DOC File]Chapter 11: Federal Government Accounting and Reporting


      One similarity between federal government accounting and state and local government accounting in governmental-type funds is that placing an order causes the recording of a budgetary entry, while receipt of the supplies ordered causes both a budgetary and a financial accounting entry ... Inspection program costs (salaries) 100,000 ...

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      No advances on salaries or loans to employees will be made. Discrepancies will be resolved using the regular employee grievance procedure as described in _____’s personnel policies and procedures. Payment to all employees will be based on the approved time sheets. Payroll checks will be direct deposited to employees.

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