Matlab index of element in array

    • [PDF File]Lab1:IntroductiontoMATLAB

      Array indexing In MATLAB, all arrays (vectors) are indexed starting with 1, i.e., y(1) is the first element of the array y. Note that the arrays are indexed using parenthesis (.) and not square brackets [.] as in C/C++. To create an array having as elements the integers 1 through 6, just enter:


      504 INDEX FOR MATLAB ROUTINES clear S1.1-2 remove items from workspace, freeing up system memory clf S1.1-4 clear current figure window compare− DFT− FFT S3.9-1 compare DFT with FFT cond() S2.2-2 condition number constr() AH constrained minimization (in MATLAB 5.x) contour() S1.1-5 2-D contour plot of a scalar-valued function of 2-D variable

    • [PDF File]22.1 Antenna Arrays

      the net effect of an array of identical antennas is to modify the single-antenna radiation vector by the array factor, which incorporates all the translational phase shifts and relative weighting coefficients of the array elements. We may think of Eq. (22.3.1) as the input/output equation of a linear system with A(k)as the transfer function.

    • [PDF File]MATLAB Marina: Arrays 2D

      The resulting array of logicals can be used to index the 2D array to get the values for which the comparison is true. Note that after the indexing operation the dimensions of the result is not longer a 2D array of the same size as A, rather one has a 1D column array of the values. Figure 7. Indexing 2D Array using Array of Logicals from a ...

    • [PDF File]A Quick Tutorial on MATLAB

      MATLAB Matrices MATLAB treats all variables as matrices. For our purposes a matrix can be thought of as an array, in fact, that is how it is stored. Vectors are special forms of matrices and contain only one row OR one column. Scalars are matrices with only one row AND one column

    • [PDF File]Digest Article: Matrix Indexing in MATLAB

      The linear index of each element is shown in the upper left. From the diagram you can see that A(14) is the same as A(2,4). ... indexing, you use a single, logical array for the matrix subscript. MATLAB extracts the matrix elements corresponding to the nonzero values of the logical array. The output is always in the form

    • [PDF File]MATLAB array manipulation tips and tricks

      Abstract This document is intended to be a compilation of tips and tricks mainly related to efcient ways of performing low-level array manipulation in MATLAB.Here, fimanipu-

    • [PDF File](B.1) Using fprintf( ) with arrays

      An array of true/false values is returned. These can be stored in a logical array. > a = quiz1 < quiz2 a = 0 1 1 You can compare all elements in an array to a single value. > b = quiz1 > 79 b = 1 1 0 > whos Variables in the current scope: Attr Name Size Bytes Class

    • [PDF File]MATLAB Arrays - New York University

      where a MATLAB built-in functionsumis used to add up all the scores stored in the array Scores. Each of the indexed variable is referred to as an element of the array. The value stored in the n-th element is accessed byScores(n). In MATLAB the array index starts at 1 and increases by 1 in going from one element to the next. Note the parentheses ...

    • [PDF File]Performance Analysis of Matlab Code

      Profiling and benchmark Matlab applications • Overall wall-clock time can be obtained from the job log, but this might not be what we want; • Matlab 5.2 (R10) or higher versions provide a builtin profiler: $ matlab $ matlab -nosplash % don’t display logo $ matlab -nodesktop -nosplash % turn desktop off

    • [PDF File]MATLAB array manipulation tips and tricks

      X( mod((1:end)+k-1, end)+1 ); % shift left/up k element where a negative kwill shift in the opposite direction of a positive k. 4.2 Arrays To shift and rotate the elements of an array Xalong dimension dim, first initialize a subscript cell array with idx = repmat({’:’}, ndims(X), 1); % initialize subscripts


      MATLAB A support document for Digital Image Processing Second Edition ... In other words, a matrix is an array of symbols, consisting of M rows and N columns. ... is the element located in sixth row and second column of the array. Observe that the first element of the tuple (i;j) refers to a row of the array and the

    • [PDF File]MATLAB Marina: Arrays 1d

      This can be done by creating an array of ones and then scaling the array. 4. Enter MATLAB statements in the Command Window to perform the following operations: a) Create an array named w with the values 0.0, 2.0, 5.0, 7.5, -5.0, and 20. b) Index the fourth element of w and save the result in the variable w4.

    • [PDF File]MATLAB Marina: Operations on Arrays

      MATLAB Marina: Operations on Arrays . Student Learning Objectives After completing this module, one should: 1. Be able to perform arithmetic and logic operations and apply built in functions on MATLAB 1D arrays. Terms array operation, element by element operation . MATLAB Functions, Keywords, and Operators NA . Element by Element Arithmetic ...

    • [PDF File]MATLAB Marina: Creating and Modifying Arrays

      the index. For example, the 1 by 6 array vec = [13, 7, -5, 2, 63, 8]contains the element 13 at index 1, the element 7 and index 2, and the element 8 at index 6. Individual elements of a 1D array can be indexed (accessed) using the array name and the index (position) enclosed in parentheses.

    • [PDF File]Armstrong State University Engineering Studies MATLAB ...

      the index. For example, the 1 by 6 array vec = [13, 7, -5, 2, 63, 8] contains the element 13 at index 1, 7 and index 2, and 8 at index 6. Individual elements of a 1D array can be indexed (accessed) using the array name and the index (position) enclosed in parentheses. Multiple elements that are successive can be indexed by a providing range of ...

    • [PDF File]data structure Matrices in Matlab

      the first element of b c = 2 • You can also assign new values to individual elements of an array. For example: >> b(3) = 6 % Set the value of the 3rd element of b to 6 b = 2 5 6 • In Matlab, the index of the first element of an array is always 1. • Note: this differs from languages such a C or Java where the index of the

    • [PDF File]Introduction to Matlab

      Introduction to MATLAB Notes: “%” is the neglect sign for Matlab (equaivalent of “//” in C). Anything after it on the same line is neggy plected by Matlab compiler. Sometimes slowing down the execution is done deliberately for observation purposes. You can use the command “pause” for this purpose

    • [PDF File]Fast manipulation of multi-dimensional arrays in Matlab

      These operations consist of element-wise multiplication/division of two arrays of potentially di erent sizes, and summation (marginalization) over a subset of the dimensions. This report discusses e cient ways to implement these operations in Matlab, with an emphasis on the implementation used in the Bayes Net Toolbox (BNT). 2 Running example

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