Michel henry


      Henry’s books have been translated and published in English only sporadically. The first texts to be published in English were The Essence of Manifestation and Philosophy and Phenomenology of the Body in 1973 and 1975, by Girard Etzkorn. I cite the latest edition of Michel Henry’s texts in the original

    • The Significance of Self-Affection: Michel Henry’s ...

      8 For a narrative of Henry’s life, including the years in the French Resistance, during which period he earned the code name “Kant” for his devotion to reading the Critique of Pure Reason, see the “Biographie de Michel Henry” by Jean Leclercq in Michel Henry: Pour une phenomenologie de la vie (Mayenne: Éditions de Corlevour, 2010), 9-26.

    • [PDF File]COURS DE PHYSIQUE Mécanique MÉCANIQUE DU POINT ... - Dunod


      Michel Henry Agrégé de physique Maître de conférences à l’IUFM des Pays de Loire (Le Mans) M CANIQUE DU POINT Page I Mardi, 26. juin 2007 9:03 09 COURS DE PHYSIQUE Mécanique du point. AVANT-PROPOS Le cours présenté dans ce livre est le fruit de plusieurs années d’enseignement dispensé ...

    • [PDF File]Carla Canullo* Michel Henry: from the Essence of ...


      Michel Henry: from the Essence of Manifestation to the Essence of Religion 175 2 Which philosophy of religion? As far as Michel Henry’s work is concerned, does it make sense to talk about ...


      3. Michel Henry, Incarnation. Une philosophie de la chair, Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2000. 4. Sur cette question, voir la riche contribution de Monique Alexandre, « La culture grecque servante de la foi. De Philon d'Alexandrie aux Pères grecs », dans A. Perrot (éd.), Les Chrétiens et l'hellénisme. Identités religieuses et culture ...

    • [PDF File]Michel Henry Nicolas Delorme


      Mécanique du point Michel Henry Maître de conférences à l’IUFM des Pays de Loire (Le Mans) Agrégé de physique Nicolas Delorme Maître de conférences à l’université du Maine (Le Mans)

    • DE MICHEL HENRY - Comillas

      de Michel Henry. El eje de esta investigación gira en torno a la noción de dolor, a saber, la pasividad originaria del ser del viviente con respecto a sí dentro del marco revelativo de la afectividad, esto es, de la revelación del ser tal y como este se prueba en su pasión. Del dolor, que forma parte constitutiva de

    • Literary Practice according to Michel Henry

      Michel Henry’s works contain two aspects, the one philosophical and the other literary. It is possible to look at his four novels as a personal entertainment, a hobby, even though his skill, in this domain also, was recognised by the Renaudot Academy. He seemed to confirm that his



      elist and philosopher Michel Henry,1 the last decade has seen numerous at-tempts at deeper comprehension of the socio-political potency of the French thinker’s material phenomenology.2 One such attempt is Viennese philosopher and long-time Henry scholar Rolf Kühn’s Individuation et vie culturelle.3 Origi-

    • Michel Henry and the Resistance of the Flesh

      Michel Henry and the Resistance of the Flesh ANDREW SACKIN-POLL Abstract The article addresses criticisms of Michel Henry’s formulation of auto-affection that claim it is ‘disembodied’ and ‘idealist’ by revisiting the French Spiritualist legacy, especially Maine de Biran, that informs his early work.



      Ricoeur (1913–2005), Jacques Derrida (1930–2004), Michel Henry (1922-2002), and Jean-Luc Marion (1946– ) (see also “Twentieth-century hermeneutics,” Chapter 16; “German philosophy (Heidegger, Gadamer, Apel),” Chapter 17; “French philosophy in the twentieth century,” Chapter 18). Given that phenomenology has been a

    • Michel Henry sentimento de si e alucinação

      Michel Henry: Sense of self and hallucination Michel Henry: sentimento de si e alucinação Florinda MARTINS1 Andrés Eduardo Aguirre ANTÚNEZ2 Abstract In this paper we develop the thesis of the possibility of understanding human beings, starting from the phenomenality of their therapeutic needs.

    • [PDF File]Art Langres area and its lakes Michel Henry


      Michel Henry, a part of his work OFFICE DE TOURISME DU PAYS DE LANGRES ET DES 4 LACS ‐ BP 16 ‐ 52201 LANGRES Cédex ‐ Tél : 03 25 87 67 67 ‐ Fax : 03 25 87 73 33

    • [PDF File]Subjectivity and Immanence in Michel Henry


      One of Michel Henry’s persistent claims has been that phenomenology is quite unlike positive sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, history, and law. Rather than studying particular objects and phenomena phenomenology is a transcendental enterprise whose task is to disclose and analyse the structure of manifestation or appearance and ...

    • Phenomenality and Finitude: Michel Henry’s Theory of Immanence

      Michel Henry lecteur de Kant,” in Michel Henry. Les dossiers H, 244-57 (recently republished with the same title in Lectures de Michel Henry, eds. Grégori Jean and Jean Leclercq [Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses universitaires de Louvain, 2014], 293-310); John Llewellyn, The Hypocritical Imagination. ...

    • The Life-Idealism of Michel Henry

      The most significant contribution brought by Michel Henry to twentieth century phenomenology is the insight that there are two distinct domains of appearance. This is a point he fervently maintains contrary to the “ontological monistic” presuppositions not only of Husserl and Heidegger but also of

    • [PDF File]Michel Henry and Metaphysics: An Expressive Ontology


      Abstract: There is an ambivalence and indecision at the heart of Michel Henry’s phenomenological ontology of life that this article seeks to resolve. Either “Being is a phenomenon only when it ...



      analysis offered by Michel Henry in Material Phenomenology and in Incarnation, indicating possible aporias, as well as alternatives to the-se last ones. Key Words: Body, Michel Henry, Self-Affection, Time. Resumen: Cuando, siguiendo a Michel Henry, retrocedemos en una epoché hacia el “cómo” originario de toda manifestación (videor), tro-

    • [PDF File]C’est Moi le Principe et la Fin The Mysterious “Middle” of ...


      8 Michel Henry, I Am the Truth: Towards a Philosophy of Christianity, trans Susan Emanuel (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2003), 141. 9 Time does not permit us here to enter into a full discussion of how this organic self—this flesh, as Henry calls it—relates to the bodily exteriority, which in each case accompanies it. ...



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