Mono and polyunsaturated fat

    • [DOC File]Exercise 20 LABORATORY REPORT

      Explain how a saturated fat, an unsaturated fat, and a polyunsaturated fat are different. What are 2 main differences between a fat and an oil? Write an equation to show iodine reacting with an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Data & Observations & Analysis: Complete the following table. with special consideration of the following: Initial color

      mono vs polyunsaturated fat comparison chart

    • [DOC File]All About Omegas

      mono. unsaturated. Poly = many, so a polyunsaturated fat has more than one double bond along its length. Both omega 6 and omega 3 fats are polyunsaturated. Mono = 1, so a mono-unsaturated fat has just one double bond. Omega 9 fats are monounsaturated. Monounsaturated fats. are found in high amounts in olive oil, avocados and most nuts.

      mono and polyunsaturated fats reduce cholesterol

    • [DOCX File]Dr Paper Document Template

      Olive oil is a mono-saturated fat which has been shown to have a favorable impact on blood lipids. Soybean oil is an omega-3 polyunsaturated fat which has been associated with decreased risk of coronary heart disease and hypertension. Butter is a saturated fat which has been associated with coronary heart disease and high cholesterol.

      best sources of polyunsaturated fat

    • [DOCX File]Dehydration Synthesis & Hydrolysis - Livingston Public Schools

      7) Is your unsaturated fatty acid monounsaturated or polyunsaturated (mono means on C=C and poly means more than one C=C)?_____monounsaturated (one C=C) - poly would have 2 or more! 8) Describe the difference between an

      benefits of unsaturated fat


      POLYUNSATURATED FATS. When it comes to fats, these are the ones you want on your side. They are good for your health and will help your performance in and outside the gym. ... Do not try to consume only one type of fat at a time. Try to combine your mono’s with your poly’s to get a proper balance between the healthy fats. One example is to ...

      how much monounsaturated and polyunsaturated

    • [DOCX File]Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment and Management for ...

      Substituting dietary saturated fat with mono and polyunsaturated fats is the most effective dietary approach to reducing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) while maintaining or increasing high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C).

      mono vs poly saturated fat

    • [DOCX File]Corn Oil - John Bowne High School

      Oct 30, 2011 · Polyunsaturated fat . Mono-unsaturated fat . Fatty acids . Essential fatty acids . Trans fatty acids . Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids . Partially hydrogenated fat. Have you ever wondered what it all means, or why it matters? Why can't we just eat, drink and be merry? In this article, you'll find out exactly what these terms mean and how the ...

      monounsaturated fat advantage over polyunsaturated

    • [DOC File]Lipids Pre-Test

      Fats Mono-lipids Sterols Polyunsaturated Sterols include _____, _____, and _____. Fats, oils, and water Cholesterol, Vitamin D, and Steroid Hormones Fats, Cholesterol, and Oil Oil, Vitamin D, and Steroid Hormones _____ makes meat easier to chew (small flecks of fat distributed throughout meat). Marbling Salt Baking Soda Mono-lipids

      mono and polyunsaturated fats foods

    • [DOC File]Lipids Pre-Test

      Fats Mono-lipids Sterols Polyunsaturated Sterols include _____, _____, and _____. Fats, oils, and water Cholesterol, Vitamin D, and Steroid Hormones Fats, Cholesterol, and Oil Oil, Vitamin D, and Steroid Hormones Name two lipids that add to the flavor of foods. Salt and Pepper. Bacon fat in vegetables and Butter on bread

      mono vs polyunsaturated fat comparison chart


      Isocalorically replace saturated fat with mono and polyunsaturated fat (Grade I). Dietary cholesterol intake of 25g, 7-13g of which should be viscous (soluble) fiber (Grade: I) Plant stanol/sterol products Considers plant stanol ...

      mono and polyunsaturated fats reduce cholesterol

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