My throat is sore

    • [DOC File]Date,

      sore throat Gargle with salt water, suck on throat lozenges. nosebleed Squeeze the bridge of the nose with your thumb and finger for about five minutes. Sit with your head back, but don’t lie down. nausea Sip clear liquids or ginger ale. heartburn Don’t drink caffeine, tea …

      causes of sore throat pain

    • [DOC File]

      Your child came to my office complaining of a sore throat. Some sore throats may be caused by sinus drainage in the back of the throat, and some may be caused by a steptococcal infection. The following is some information regarding strep infections and Scarlet Fever. Streptococcal infections (strept throat) are not uncommon, but should never be ...

      what cause a sore throat

    • [DOC File]Sore Throat - University at Albany

      Sore throat and difficulty swallowing, sometimes with pain radiating to the ear, may be symptoms of such a tumor. More often the sore throat is so mild or so chronic that it is hardly noticed. Other important symptoms include hoarseness, a lump in the neck, unexplained weight loss, and/or spitting up blood in the saliva or phlegm.

      deep sore throat

    • Sore Throat? Find Out if It’s a Cold, Strep Throat, or Tonsillitis

      What tests may be used to find the cause of my sore throat? Your doctor may do a rapid strep test, a throat culture or both. A rapid strep test will give results fast--usually within about 15 minutes. But the test won't tell if your sore throat is caused by a bacterium other than Streptococcus or if it's caused by a virus. A throat culture ...

      back of throat is raw

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