Negative impact of economic development


      half of the negative economic impact. • That being said, some factors exist that limit the capacity of digitization to improve social and economic resilience. • First and foremost, the digital divide has been highlighted as a critical barrier to the mitigation value of digitization. In particular, population unserved or …

    • [PDF File]III – The economic impact of the Olympic Games

      PricewaterhouseCoopers European Economic Outlook June 2004 • 19 1 Although this may not involve any negative economic impact at the national level if these people still take holidays within the host country. This is one illustration of the inherent complexity involved in capturing the true net economic impact…

    • [PDF File]Economic growth: the impact on poverty reduction ...

      growth has neither a positive nor a negative effect on inequality.8 3 Lin (2003), Economic Growth, Incom e Inequality, and P overty R ducti n in People's Republic of China, Asian Development Review, vol. 20, no. 2, 2003, pp. 105-24 4 HBhanumurthy and HMitra (2004), Economic Growth, Poverty, and Inequality in Indian States in the

    • [PDF File]Atlantic slavery’s impact on European and British economic ...

      The economics literature on Atlantic slavery attests to its negative long-run impact on development outcomes in Africa and the Americas. What was slavery’s impact on Europe? In this paper, I test the hypothesis that slavery contributed to modern economic growth in Europe using data on European participation in the Atlantic slave trade.

    • [PDF File]An Updated Assessment of the Economic Impact of COVID …

      Economic Impact of COVID-191 KEY POINTS • New analysis using the Global Trade Analysis Project model estimates that the global economic impact of COVID-19 could reach $5.8 trillion (6.4% of global GDP) under a 3-month containment scenario, and $8.8 trillion (9.7% of global GDP) under a 6-month containment scenario. This updates estimates ...

    • [PDF File]Impact of Globalization on Social Development

      society, highlights salient features of its impact on social development as a result of developments in trade, technology and finance, and concludes with some observations aimed at a closer integration of economic and social objectives in a global market economy. II. Main features and experiences of …

    • [PDF File]Growth and its Impact on Economic Trends in Income …

      such developments may have an impact on economic performance. 2. Drawing on harmonised data covering the OECD countries over the past 30 years, the econometric analysis suggests that income inequality has a negative and statistically significant impact on subsequent growth.

    • [PDF File]The Impact of the Slave Trade on African Economies

      aggregate population between 1700 and 1850. But the causal impact of population growth on development is di cult to assess. Instead, in this paper we focus on the impact of slave production, and the associated externalities, on the development process broadly conceived. Orlando Patterson (1982) calls the production

    • Cultural Diversity in the United States and Its Impact on ...

      between diversity and economic development has yielded mixed results. Most studies have found a negative relationship between diversity and economic development, whereas others have reported a positive or mixed relationship, or no relationship. In this paper, we disaggregate the impact of diversitycultural on human

    • [PDF File]The Negative Effects of Instability on Child Development ...

      development. Specifically, research points to the underlying role of parenting, parental mental health, and the home environment in providing the stability and support young children need for positive development. We conclude with recommendations for policy and practice to alleviate the impact …

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