Oec ct licensing



      If you are cited for a violation of the child care licensing regulations and you do not understand the violation or why you were cited, you should: Ask the specialist to explain the violation, and show you which regulation was violated. If you still disagree that there is a violation of a regulation, you may ask for a supervisory review.

      state of ct day care licensing

    • For Child Care Centers & Group Care Homes

      The CT OEC and the local health director shall be notified of the results and the results must be posted with the license. Mail a copy of the lab result to the CT OEC Childcare Licensing Unit. If you have any further questions on radon testing, please contact the . Radon Program at: (860) 509-7299.

      state of ct oec regulations



      inspection forms, nurse/first aider forms, and other miscellaneous forms and information concerning the Youth Camp Licensing Program. Should you have any questions concerning the application process, please contact the Youth Camp Licensing Program at the numbers below.

      oec registry in ct

    • [PDF File]Connecticut Early Childhood Professional Registry


      Connecticut Early Childhood Professional Registry 800-832-7784 Fax: 860-713-7040 www.ccacregistry.org Rev 6/2017 Multiple Attendees Training Submission 1. Use this form ONLY to report successful completions of the same First Aid, CPR or Medication Administration training for multiple attendees to the OEC Registry same date FROM THE SAME PROGRAM.

      ct day care licensing

    • [PDF File]Care 4 Kids Provider Training Requirements Frequently ...


      Care 4 Kids Provider Training Requirements Frequently Asked Questions 4. Will I have to complete training every year? Orientation is a one-time requirement. However, there are annual training requirements to remain a C4K provider. The ongoing annual training will also meet the annual training required for Office of Early Childhood licensed ...

      ct home daycare licensing



      Additionally, within available appropriations, the Office of Early Childhood (OEC) must require anyone, other than a relative, who provides child care services in the child’s home and receives a child care subsidy from OEC to submit to registry background checks (CGS § 17b-749k, as amended by PA 14-39). AUTOMATED RUNS

      ct office of early childhood

    • [PDF File]Child Care Provider Background Checks


      (1) New staff – worked in other CT child care facilities within the past 5 years Includes paid and unpaid employees, interns, students and volunteers (2) New child care license applicants (3) New location for a currently licensed operator Result: Providers SAVED more than $33,000 between Dec 15, 2017 and

      oec state of ct

    • [PDF File]Child Care Centers and Group Child Care Homes


      (b) For licensing requirement purposes, child care services shall not include such services which are: (1) (A) Administered by a public school system, or (B) administered by a municipal agency or department; (2) Administered by a private school which is in compliance with …

      state of ct day care licensing

    • [PDF File]Connecticut Office of Early Childhood ...


      Licensing, Quality Improvement and Family Support. The OEC is the State’s lead agency for the prevention of child abuse and neglect, the Birth to Three program, state funded home visiting programs and the Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) grant. In addition, OEC is the state affiliate of the national Help Me Grow program.

      state of ct oec regulations

    • [PDF File]Frequently Asked Questions CCEI Online Training via OEC ...


      who also have or plan to completed OEC Approved first aid, CPR and medication administration. CT-OEC101: CT CCDF Orientation (5 hour) – available by selecting Connecticut Health and Safety Courses in the Course Categories menu when you click the Register for Professional Development Courses [ link on the left navigation menu..

      oec registry in ct

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